Is there a way to set up the doorbell to ring to a landline phone with voip?
Im still waiting on a response here
You got one a year ago.
Wyze doesn’t have an official way to make it ring a landline phone.
However, there are complicated 3rd party solutions on Android that could do this. With Macrodroid or Tasker you could have then watch your notifications and trigger when the doorbell notification shows up then have the action be to call your landline. With a little work you could even get it to autoplay a tts message about the doorbell.
That’s not something easy to set up, but it is possible. I do some similar things for myself.
But no, there is no option from Wyze to have them dial a landline for you. They will call your cell phone through a voip call though as explained above in the link posted. That’s the only official option.