Very very slow to display event videos - up to 3 mins!

I’m finding the App is incredibly slow to load the 12 sec event videos
Can be up to 3 min before its starts playing at all
Other times it will be 2 mins then start playing for a couple of secs, then the bouncing balls and it’ll start again but stop a couple more times before completing in about 3 mins
All cameras have the same delay

I’m on Cam Plus lite,
App : v

Can it be something my end ?
youtube videos play fine on the phone

LInk to screen recording showing delay

Can you provide some actual details??

  • WiFi?
  • Distance from router to each camera?
  • Router information? Model? Firmware? Connection type? Internal or external WiFi antenna?
  • Screenshot of camera properties page showing network signal?
  • Have you created two guest networks that don’t expire and have local Intranet access, and then joined the cameras to that network?
  • Have you disabled router WiFi Airtime Fairness or similar restrictions on router?
  • Do you get same issues with cameras all within 3m of router?
  • Have you tried doing a WiFi site audit? Check other competing networks using the same channels in your area and different parts of the property? <<< my money is on this :money_bag:. Change your WiFi channel so it’s 2+ channels away from others in the area. :+1:t3:

Sorry some more info …
The ONLY issue is with delay in loading the events video as demoed in my linked video, that is same on all cameras.
There are NO problems live viewing any of the 10 cameras
All of my cameras have SD cards in. - there is NO problem viewing Playback from any of them
On the Event playback screen while I’m waiting for the event video to load, I can press the SD card icon and watch the playback direct from SD card
Thats why I really don’t think its anything to do with my wi-fi,
These event videos should be the 12 sec vid being pulled from the Wyze cloud, shouldn’t they ?

The cameras are not involved when playing server event clips; the streams are coming direct from the server to the phone.

Have you tried clearing the App Cache?

Are they? I was under the impression my Wyze cams were storing data on them.
I only thought they streamed from the web if you were connected to mobile data?

If they stream from the web, then why do they have memory cards and content deleted/recylced frequently?

One thing that annoys me about Eufy and Wyze is that they don’t tell you how much content (days) is currently stored on the memory card. e.g. 12 days or 3 days - if busy area being monitored. Makes it very very difficult to ascertain if you have enough storage in your cameras.

Anyway, Wyze Cam v3 user and I can see recordings are being pulled from the camera and not the cloud.

So why are you using this events view for streaming?
I know the Wyze app is not laid out very well - quite a bit of duplication. But I have had more success with View Playback area.
Then using the < arrow buttons to jump to each recording.

Ahhh, okay so this is due to the limitation in Wyze and forcing users to pay. I don’t get it - why stop free users from using the events section and why only show them a photo and post to watch the video??? :person_facepalming: This is why I don’t use the screen you are having the difficulty on.

@cbartley99 Can you please try playback from the other playback screen? Home >> Devices >> Camera >> View Playback. Use the < and > buttons to jump between events.
Do you get the same latency issues?

As you are subscribed to premium, you really should be contacting Wyze direct and get your money’s worth. Pretty slack they don’t monitor these forums actively…

Nice list but won’t allow video playback (“events” tab). Wants to charge money. Duplication of View Payback area (except had thumbnails instead of blue sections on a time scale).

I don’t see any easy way to jump to prior event recordings in this view (“monitoring” tab). I don’t even know why it’s there. Duplication…

This monitoring tab is also very limited. Can only see a screenshot. Not sure why this would not load footage from the connected cameras?

Wyze is so crippled. It won’t let me press play to watch me spinning the neighbours kids around by their arms (“Events” tab). A frequent request by the 4,5,6 yo in the complex. :joy:

View playback under Home tab works. See screenshot above.
—>> Can you test from this tab please? <<—

So is this second tab meant to be a “Cloud Content Viewing” tab?? Would it not be cloud videos if you were connected via mobile data?

Just tried clearing the Apps cache but no improvement I’m afraid

With the App cashe cleared, have you tried power cycling your device with the Wyze App and your WiFi access point?

Hey @cbartley99

This may or may not apply to your case, but since you specified cam v3s, I thought i’d throw it in. :slight_smile:

Hardware Decoding was a global setting from the outset - now it’s apparently cam-specific. :man_shrugging:


Thats the normal camera view screen - there are no issue when viewing that.
But that is viewing the camera stream directly
The problem come when trying to view Events which should be coming from Wyzes cloud.
Because I’m on CamLite Plus ( the free level for early adopters - I think) we only get 12 second clips
I can’t pick out the events in the Playback screen because I have SD cards set to Continuous Record so there is no event marker there ( that Im aware of)

“have you tried power cycling your device with the Wyze App and your WiFi access point?”

I hadn’t but have now and thats seems to have fixed the issue


That “Monitoring” screen …
Do you know I’ve never ever seen/used that screen before - and I’ve had the cams from the very beginning - Doh
I think I thought it was part of their ‘paid’ Home Monitoring stuff

But I can see that there are events shown on that screen, useful
So I need to take a closer look at that screen and see what else it offers

Anyway thanks for bringing that to my intention

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Your friendly neighborhood :frog: posted a topic about it recently:

I haven’t used it much, but I do like how the events are marked for multiple cameras on the same timeline (after a user sets/edits camera group(s)) and have found that useful for finding things at times. I also like that they added a landscape option to it in December, which can be useful if you want to use an app screen for monitoring multiple cameras at once (though whether or not that’s more useful than just using camera groups is a judgement call).


Here is how I use the Monitoring tab. When I hear a commotion (dog barking, banging etc.) around my house, I hit the Monitoring tab to get a Live View of my four main cameras to see what is going on.

I rarely use the Monitoring tab to view Playback.

I am glad the Power Cycling helped your issue.


Here we are 1 day later and the problem came back although the delay is not as long as before (yet ?)
Clearing the cache and rebooting resolves the problem , but a bit annoying to have to do this possibly at start of each day

Should not be phone memory problem, it has 128GB and only 64GB used

If the delay returns again, you might try the power cycling steps one at a time to try to isolate which device fixes the problem.

For example, if power cycling only your WiFi router fixes the delay, you could put a smart plug on it to power cycle every night while you are asleep.

Do you have an SD card installed? Since you already tried other troubleshooting steps, try removing the SD card an re-test.

They do that to sell you the subscription. They’ll say that the extras costs are from server upgrades.