Just sent it over to the team. Thank you for the help.
Hi TRusselo. There seems to be a disconnect here.
Your prior post caught my eye on this point - I had assumed it was data rate and when I saw your post I thought - hmm, maybe I’ve got this wrong. Now, I just donno.
Cheers, -peep
in the post you quoted that person called it both video data rate, and called it transfer speed.
While I do not know 100% how it was coded, I can tell you this.
I have a distributed mesh wifi system with 5 access points all hardwired to the modem. you can get network transfer speeds of 700 megabit on 5G and 45 megabit on 2.4 G in any point on my property.
Right now i have my Wyze cam on my computer desk, 12 inches from the nearest wifi access point.
If i hold still and there is NO motion in the room the app hovers steady around 75 Kb/s, if i move a bit, hovers around 125 Kb/s, if i move alot, 300 Kb/s. All in HD and color…
If i turn off the lights and kick it into night vision mode, it hovers around 120 with no motion, and 170 with moderate motion…
The # at the top of the screen… changes depending on the colors and motion captured by the camera, not how good the wifi connection is.
Hey @TRusselo
I’m going to qualify what I post by saying my understanding of (wireless) networking is not deep or wide. I know enough to be dangerous (ok, probably not dangerous, what am I gonna break - but I could certainly dig a deeper hole for myself to climb out of.) I’m learning and I appreciate your banging it around with me.
Here’s my brain dump, fwiw. i’m going to call “the #” → X
Complex scene, more unique data per frame, less compressible, higher volume of data to transmit, higher rate of transmission required to transmit it.
Static scene, more redundant data per frame, more compressible, lower volume of data to transmit, lower rate of transmission required to transmit it.
So, there’s a relationship between the compression rate and the data rate required to transmit it.*
Let’s say you have a static scene, virtually nothing moving, X fluctuating between 75-85 KBs. Often, prior to “connectivity” failing completely, X becomes irregular, falling below 75KBs, bouncing around but trending down, until it eventually pins at “0”.
In this case, doesn’t it seem to be reflecting the failing rate of data transmission?
* Is there? That’s what I’m contending, I guess.
well that could very well suggest that the # is actually the current transmission rate, (which in a perfect system would also be the current bitrate of the video).
but my point was to point out the number is not the current connection speed to the router (as the OP stated it), but actually the amount of data being transmitted.
The # should not be used to judge signal strength.
I see your point, @TRusselo, thanks.
To conclude my original issue. I brought in one of the cameras that was acting slow during the daytime inside and plugged it in (and my apologies for not testing this sooner, it’s just that the cameras were mounted high up on the house outside and were a pain to get to). Inside, the speed was normal. They weren’t significantly closer to my wireless router but the speed was normal.
To make a long story short I was stupid and was daisy chaining two cameras out front and two cameras out back with the usb port on back of the first camera. I figured that was what they were for. The port just isn’t powerful enough to run another camera adequately. I still can’t figure out why they ran at normal speed at night time with the infrared lights on. Seems like that would draw more power, not less.
Anyway, lesson learned, don’t daisy chain Wyzecam 2’s. It’s probably in the manual. And as usual, I didn’t read it.