V3 Person Detection not working in January 2025 (Cam Plus) (Iphone App)

Hi there!

Subject mostly summarizes it. We’re dealing with 2 V3 cameras that are set up with the Cam Plus Plan option. They recognize cars effectively, but not people. Zero notifications for persons in the video frame. Sensitivity levels have been modified to max and still no person detection.

An iphone is being used to access the Wyze services through the Wyze application.

Any idea what might be happening? Thank you so much for any help or suggestions.

Go into the cam settings and do “reset services” and see if that helps.

Can you post an event video showing people, where it wasn’t tagged in AI and person? What are your event recording settings when it comes to customized recordings? I wonder if in the video it’s hard to distinguish the person, not enough of the person or contrast issues. The AI works due to it recognizing vehicles.

Wonder if it is one of those cases where the people are in the same frame as the parked car and it just picks the larger of the two?

With Cam Plus, you get both car and person icons on the timeline.

Does it sent a notification for both? That’d be kinda annoying. Actually I think I’ve seen people mention said annoyance here.

I don’t know, I turned notifications off.

No it sends one notification saying Person and Vehicle detected. The dual notification is a bug on some cameras and it is random. Haven’t had one in a long run, maybe they’ve fixed it in the back end.

These same cameras in my case, have Identified a person breaking into my car twice. In the exact same locations, They suddenly can’t ID anything to do with a person except once in a great while. The second camera routinely sends two notifications at the same time for a person yet it is always lighting changes and a vehicle in motion at night. During the day that same camera only identifies people when they are right at my front door. And now they have this new AI that you have to have cams unlimited to get. I don’t think so. Any help would be much appreciated. I run this mostly on iPads.

The only way to have the notifications stick is by playing with detection zone and sensitivity. My cameras were driving me nuts at first, but after adjusting the above mentioned settings I almost never get false notifications. Once in a while when a wind is blowing it will tag my stationary fishing boat and utility trailer as vehicle, but that’s about it.

I will try that. The advice is much appreciated. Thanks.

I have a similar problem every time I let the dog out to use the bathroom when he walks past the Car it says vehicle detected. Even if a person walks by the car it detects it as vehicle. Occasionally it will also say pet or person but not usually.

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Move your car. :joy:

Just kidding.

It would be nice to log the car once.

Can you exclude the area the car parks in the detection zone? Should resolve it.

The “AI” logic when there are multiple matches seems to be to pick the larger object. If you exclude the car from the detection zone, it should log it as pet.

That wouldn’t work in his case. The car is identified whether it’s the car or something else triggered the search for objects. When motion is detected (in the detection zone if defined, or anywhere in the frame if not), it will find the car if specified as an object to search for,

I don’t follow what you’re saying. Excluding a vehicle in DZ is a known fix for this exact complaint.

I have Cam Unlimited, do you?

I have tested this multiple times. The detection zone is only to limit the area for movement that triggers a search. The whole frame is always searched for objects.

This is why a parked car is always reported even when outside the detection zone.

Yes but the car is what I want to watch for theft. But it thinks my dog is a vehicle

I get 2 events in that situation; “vehicle” and “pet”.

Exclude just the car, anyone walking up to/around it will still trigger an event.