V3 pan no longer shows call emergency or silence alerts for 1 hour on the drop down when I get a notification

V3 pan no longer shows call emergency or silence alerts for 1 hour on the drop down when I get a notification

How do I turn that back on where did the feature go

just tested this on my Android Device, Seems to be working fine on that so it may be an issue with iOS.

Here is what I see on Android:

@R.Good @carverofchoice @cyberdog_17

I cannot test on my iOS device at this time, can one of you check on iOS if there is an issue with the PCV3 with the notifications missing the action buttons?


Thanks for posting this !

Typical iOS , doesn’t surprise me with Apple :apple:

This helps

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Looks like it is there but you have to long press on the notification for iOS.


Wow I’ll try thanks for the post


Thanks, my iOS device is being used for something else currently.

Really appreciate it


I tried the long press and it didn’t work I just update to the new iOS and this is when the problem happened

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What Wyze App version are you on?

I am on iOS version 17.5
And Wyze version 2.50.0 (14)

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I have 2.50.6 (1) for Wyze

And 17.5 for iOS

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Ahhh yep… I match you now and totally gone.

@spamoni we got ourselves a :beetle:
Also not an option on V4, FLV2, FLP.
Not sure if iOS 17.5 broke it or if an issue with the Wyze App. Going to assume lastest Wyze app since I had an older Wyze version with iOS 17.5 and it worked.

@Breakingnewscamera you can roll back to the later version if it’s something you want now. But we will get this passed forward.


Oh wow thanks for checking ,

How do I roll back to other version ?

It might be too much to roll back to the previous version, can Wyze just add it to the new version

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