V3 Not detecting motion

Just installed another v3 covering my driveway and it will not pick up motion of vehicles or people. I have sensitivity at 100% with smart detection on. Firmware is up to date and the cam was new out of the box. Mounted approx. 15’ off the ground. I do have 3 blocks inactive to not pu cars on the street. Any ideas?

Change it to all motion for troubleshooting to make sure the camera is at least sending events to the cloud. The AI tagging doesn’t happen till the cloud. Might also want to attach screen shots of your different settings pages as well as the event tab. What actual firmware version is on the camera?

Thanks. I was only able to attach 1 pic since I’m new. I’ll see if I can post in the replies.

Changed to all motion and now it’s picking up cars in the street, 100’ away. Won’t be movement in the driveway until the morning so I’ll check again.