Lately I’m having an issue withcV3 camera videos on Large screen iPads.
Until recently I could select any of the (6) V3 camera videos on my large screen iPad and they would come up full screen. Lately only 4 of the 6 do that. The 2 that are last on the screen will not open full screen. Always worked flawlessly previously. By the way the iPhone does not have this issue. Any ideas ?
Your issue could be with the newest IOS App. Looks like there were changes to the landscape aspect ratio.
iOS App (March 8, 2023)
- Fixed a landscape aspect ratio issue on iPad
Hadn’t considered a possible effect of iOS change. Hopefully that’s not the problem because I can’t fix that. The strange thing is that V3 videos in landscape come across fine for 4 of the 6 feeds. It’s only the last 2 that won’t open.
Sometimes I hate saying this because it’s like saying “did you reboot?”
But have you tried clearing the Wyze App cache and restarting the Wyze App.
This could be localized to the two cameras in the cache.
Your suggestions are very much appreciated as always. Let me reply and give a little more detail;
Yes I did reboot a few times. Actually running 2 large screen iPads and an iPad Mini. All have been experiencing this issue for a week or so now.
Had not cleared the Wyze App cache. Did so following your suggestion.(Did not help)
Moved locations of cameras on screen. Did not help.
If you use iPads you will understand the picture I am attaching. When I bring up this screen on my iPads it only shows 4 of the 6 camera feeds. If I scroll right it brings up the other 2. Each of the 4 feeds on the opening screen pop to full screen when touched in the middle of them. When I scroll left to bring the other 2 cams in view, they DO NOT open to full screen as they always used to.
Hello all,
I solved my issue of “Until recently I could select any of the (6) V3 camera videos on my large screen iPad and they would come up full screen. Lately only 4 of the 6 do that. The 2 that are last on the screen will not open full screen.”
My work around is to put my 6 cameras in 2 separate groups. Now I can get all 6 cameras in full screen however they must be in 2 Groups (in my case 4 in one group and 2 in the other). My iPad does not open more that 4 video streams (individually) in a group. Works for me. Hope this helps someone else…tlhutch4