V2 vs OG stability

I’ve had a hand full of the V2 cameras for a few years and have been mostly pleased with them. A few weeks ago I picked up a few more “OG” units. The OG units are not stable in my LIVE view. Constantly unable to connect. Whereas, my V2 are good 95% of the time.

Distance to the router is not an issue. The one of the closest ones to it is an OG, pretty much never connects. The absolute furthest one is a V2 and is solid.

Should the OG be renamed POS?

This doesn’t have anything to do with andriod/IOS. System error made me choose one. This is on a PC.

My OGs are very stable and a couple of them have very low signal. I never had a v2 to compare to but I can’t imagine a significant difference, both use fairly small internal antennas and cheap wifi chipsets.

The OG does need a bit more bandwidth than the v2 probably (higher quality stream), so maybe it is just exposing that your wifi doesn’t have good signal/bandwidth or there is a lot of interference that wasn’t as apparent on the v2.

But I’d try at least clearing the cache in the app and possibly even reinstalling it.

You mention on a PC though, are you saying the Wyze web portal? Or are you using some sort of android emulator?

NOTE - do not uninstall the app if you are still on the 2.X version. That likely means your device is not compatible with 3.x and you can no longer do a new install of 2.X!!

Thanks for the reply Dave.

This is on a PC through the Live web portal. I’m not using android anything. The forum makes you pick two “tags” when starting a new thread. None of which are PC.

Looking at my Live portal right now, None of the OGs are connected, or will refresh. All of my V2s are connected. One OG is probably 10-12 feet from the router, and maybe another 10 feet away is a WIFI booster. One of the V2s that is connected is probably over 60 feet away from the router.

I’ll try dumbing down the resolution on the OGs to see if that helps.

I removed android-and-ios and added web-view for you.


I haven’t had the urge to try OG cams. I hear pro and con comments just like I hear about the pan cams. V3 has worked well for me. I also use a few v2 and one v4 along with the rest being v3.

I don’t have a subscription so haven’t tried the web portal. Does it work normally via phone app?

I bought both in the beginning, my personal experience is the motion ghosting and blur on the v3 was awful compared to the OG. I returned it and got a couple more OGs. For $15 to $20 a pop when on sale, they were a no brainer. The v4 looks nice from what I’ve seen online, but not enough to upgrade.

The Pan v3s are great too, obviously different image sensor or compression than the standard v3 (which makes sense, they are newer and not necessarily related to the regular v3 at all, just both happen to be version 3 of something).

The comparison I saw of the OG and v4 was basically the v4 had slightly better clarity when things were sitting still, but when moving it was about the same (which is the only time I feel any of these cams don’t have enough clarity in my usage situation, because of the super high compression rate). The night vision on the v4 was a bit darker, which makes sense as the higher resolution sensors are less light sensitive.

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Tough to say. The point to the Web portal is to be able to view all your cams at once, live. If I go through the phone app it will mostly connect.

Who knows what events are being missed when they typically show off line.

Do you happen to have Comcast or Rogers with an XB7 gateway? Known issue with that router and viewing from the outside (which the wyze web portal would count as, even if you’re viewing the portal from home, it has to loop through their servers).

I thought having a XB7 was an all or nothing issue?

No their “advanced security” only takes effect on traffic going to the outside network. LAN to LAN is fine, and at least from the reports I’ve seen, whatever traffic the cam needs to authenticate and come online seems fine, as many report they can view the cams at home but not away.

Yes. But it totally shutdown outside traffic. I don’t remember that being intermittent.

I have a Linksys EA8300

It seems to vary with each person reporting problems, some say certain cameras work and others don’t. But yes from what I’ve seen it seems to work or not work for a specific camera, but then someone said firmware update fixed some cams. So who knows at this point, it’s just one of those things that is a common issue with external connectivity, so I figure worth asking.

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Does that have any sort of virus/threat blocking features in it? If it does see if it is taking hits and try disabling it as a test to see if it helps. If it does you can probably add exceptions for the Wyze stuff that is being blocked.

To clarify, does it work fine on your phone when not at home (or if you disable wifi and use mobile network) or is it more problematic? If the issues only exist outside your home wifi network, it is going to be router or ISP (possibly upload speed or packet loss etc) related usually.

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