Using Drones

The :raccoon: :raccoon: gang is now using drones to scout the area. :astonished:



I don’t mean to break your heart :broken_heart: but that is actually part of MFP’s :cat2: security team, to ensure only paying members gain entrance to his exclusive club.

MFP was at his post for a long time last night. I tried to load a 3.0 MB V4 video of him a few times today here and on another post but it never finishes loading, the loading circle just keeps going around and around. My network up load is 23MB/s so it’s not that.

MFP is testing out his new counter surveillance tech.

I don’t think the forum likes V4 videos, it never loads like the other V3 video post. The video is only 3.0MB ?
Just keeps spinning.

Picture will have to do, still can’t load the video.
MFP at his Post, Ever vigilant.

Works for :raccoon: ? MFP must have a video jammer :grin:


Wow, that is a really nice pic of MFP in the sketchy yard. He looks so self-possessed!


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It is not a yard it’s a Low Class Diner named (Weeds & Water).


I really like it, it’s looks so hyperreal with that v4 eye! Can’t wait for the v5! :grin:

Wow, that V4 is a pretty nice upgrade! I like how much nicer it looks.

I tried the spotlight last night as you can see on the :raccoon: video.
I don’t like it because it turns the background to dark which is why I don’t use it on my other V4 or the V3 Pro.

Yeah, just like in Citizen Kane, blast it with light 'til the actors sweat wet and get those awesome crisp edges and deep focus!   :movie_camera:

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Do you have a deep and interesting voice? You should maybe narrate a ten minute movie with a ‘talks with the animals’ theme, where you, off camera, talk to them, and they look back at you quizzically, bored or not at all. The thing is this is the kind of thing you just have to DO you never know how good or bad it could BE! The world’s about to end get cookin’! :grin:

DO - BE -DO - BE - DO!
-F Sinatra

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:rofl: NO! But I can Talk Jive Turkey. I’m so good at that I had to feed my four :turkey: friends at the golf course 3 times today because they kept following me from one fairway to the next.

Smack & jive are kindred. We good. :wink:

I still think this belongs on a T-shirt.

I hope it turns out like when Calvin Broadus narrated nature videos.

I hope it’s like the Beaver’s mom.

That sounds like another radio duo.

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Barbara Billingsley. Great job. :slight_smile:

And the hits just keep on coming!

@TomG would know the proper line from WKRP Cincinnati, I don’t. :wink:

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Illegal Blocking called on MFP. He blocked the cam for a good 20 or more seconds.
As usual the original video was to large to load so I record a short version from the SD.


Starting to gray on the haunches from all the stress. :slight_smile:

MFP is an old fart who is still out wandering around at 3:00 AM then goes home. He started coming back at his usual time between 5-7 PM. I guess he only works night shifts.