Updates for Wyze Cam Unlimited - 5/9/2024

There’s a lot of good work in there, I like where you’re going with it!

You can deselect/reselect cams in the list by tapping the cam icon/name in its row.

  • Deselect one of four with footage at a particular time and you get a 3-up view with one cam larger.
  • Deselect two and you get a 2-up view with two cams larger.
  • Deselect three and you get a single cam view a bit larger.

Reselect cams to go back to 4-up.

Also, tapping on a cam’s display brings up an overlay by which you can choose to maximize it (top right corner.)
Tap maximize again and it restores to the multi-cam display.

I found myself wanting to double-tap a cam view to drill down to a full screen view (if device turned landscape.)

The Live view was hit-and-miss at displaying 4-up, even after forcing it to reload. If I backed out to the Home tab and accessed the standard cam group comprised of the same 4 cams it was loading consistently, near instantly.

The expansion of the thumbnail show to display multiple cams simultaneously (My Day Show) is cool, too (as opposed to selecting one cam at a time from a drop down list via the Events tab.)

Amen to that. I have my iPad on a stand and is really cumbersome to navigate.

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Well done Wyze team! And, congratulations on being cash positive for Q1!!!


Let’s celebrate by offering yearly recurring “discount” deal for cam unlimited :frog:.


I find it inconsistent with mesh and 2 access points. Sometimes 4 cameras pop right up and sometimes they don’t, or only one or two etc. Tinycam works better on a Firestick, and Firesticks stink for connectivity.

Clicking around makes it worse, refresh doesn’t change anything.

I also find web view on a computer hit or miss with wired ethernet computers, using Chrome. (Inside Ubuntu) I’ll hold and wait out the fixes. If any.

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Oh, I also like how it does a soft snap-to when you scrub and drop the cursor near the next group of events. This may not be a big deal technically but psychologically it makes the interface seem polished.

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Nothing is off the table:

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What is this cursor you are referring to? I don’t see it on my app :thinking:.

Now picture that - wall mounted in a mount that doesn’t rotate. You need to be drunk for it to make sense.

Or contortionist :rofl:.

Wife’s tired of me laying on the countertop to read iPad while she’s trying to cook.


Now that’s funny! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Technically, I guess you’re dropping the next group of events near the index line:grin:

When on the timeline, if you happen to tap on a listed camera, the camera view disappears. There is no way to get the view back without exiting and starting over. You can’t tap the screen or re-tap the camera name. Even taping the edit pencil and returning to the selection screen doesn’t restore the views. You return to the screen with the missing views but the cameras are still listed. There should be a recovery without exiting and starting the process over. Wyze, can you fix this. Should not have been missed with proper regression testing.

Tap the circled area that will get the disappeared camera view back. Let me know if it doesn’t work for you.


Wyze doesn’t do regression testing, despite past claims.

Sounds like a plan.

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Realized that error after posting. Thanks anyway.

That was the first thing I did. The camera names went back normal (highlighted), but the views did not return. Tried all 4 one at time and ended up with no views but camera names still in place. I’m on android with phone and all apps updated. Would include a screenshot but would have to be on my computer, shortcomings of my Galaxy.

What’s’ for dinner?