Update or not?

I just received notification to update to Wyze 3.0. I see so much negativity that I’m still on the fence. My question is… Should I stay on the fence and hope they’re working on some sort of fix, or take the leap into the abyss?

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Do it.


You are going to have to sooner or later. It is a change and you will need to understand how Favorites work as that will be your primary page when the app starts.

I personally have not experienced any issues. Is it perfect, probably not as there can be improvements. but I believe it is a step in the correct direction,

Also note, if you have major issues, you can always roll it back by going to APKMirror.com and download another version to load on your Android device.


Take the leap into the abyss. :slight_smile:

With Android it’s very easy to revert to 2.5. Best of both worlds.


I’ve done it on one device but am keeping v2.5x on my main phone because v3.0 seems to have broken the “Camera as Chime” feature of Video Doorbell v2.

I also still don’t know if the new version is going to be available for Android Go (I’m guessing not).

If you try it and have changes to suggest, then please contribute your Vote and/or comment(s) to this Wishlist topic:

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Add me to the list of people who like the new app more than they dislike it.

Most of my potential concerns are as follows:

  • I had to reorganize my dashboard to put devices back in the order I had them in before. This was mildly annoying because it is time consuming, but it wasn’t the end of the world, and in the long run I like the new organization better overall.
  • A single camera on the favorites screen tries to automatically live stream and takes up a lot of space.
    • The workaround solution to this preference for now is to put the camera in a camera group (either by itself or with other cameras). Then it doesn’t auto-stream unless you click on that group icon.
  • Turn cameras on/off without multiple taps
    • Same solution as above, if you put the camera in a group (by itself or with other cameras) and put the group on the favorites screen, there is an easy way to turn the cameras on and off. This works while we wait for Wyze to add another solution.
  • Some people’s cameras on iOS won’t live stream on the Favorites tab. You can still live stream by opening the camera page or group page though, so at least the camera should still work while Wyze fixes the favorites live stream on iOS for those affected.

Having said that, overall I really like the new app. I think it is an overall positive. I love having 2 dashboards now (Favorites tab and Devices tab), both of which are customizable. It works great for me. I still think there are some things they should improve, but for myself, I definitely don’t want to go back to 2.5 version. I like these 2 new customizable dashboards a lot better than the last version overall.



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Not me. This new app is horrible! I feel like I’m living in the 1980s. Time consuming, frustrating, trying to manipulate. The app is not fun. Please go back to 2.5 version as soon as possible.


It was quite the song and dance to organize my favorites the way I have them finally. I have my doorbell live view at the top. Then on the left column I have my camera groups, sensor groups, lock bolt and misc, and on the right column I have all my light groups. Both columns are organized where the closer to the top you are. The more important or used most often you are. I love this new layout, less dead space and more shown at once than before


my app auto-updated to the new version last night and now all my cam pan 2 cameras say “the camera info is null”. Can’t believe this has been going on for a month and the still haven’t repaired it!


I like this idea and might have to try it. Thanks for sharing!


I would say go for it. I bit the bullet and updated (12 cameras) and things seem to be working fine with my only real complaint the dumb decision to remove the still photos from the device tab. Wyze really should put those back and I can’t understand the decision to remove them, what were they thinking?

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If I were you, I’m not gonna update as long as I can. I hate this too much so I’m thinking of moving on to another brand.

But you don’t seem pissed, so at least not a ‘rage quit’ threat. :+1:

My post is a little gratuitous (I like the term and think it’s apt in many instances.) I hope things improve for you one way or the other. :slight_smile:


It is amazing what that word means in the UK. I found it a fond reminder of the time spent there.

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My app updated automatically. Woke up one morning and it was all changed. Not techy enough to know how to go back to the old version. I wouldn’t mind adjusting to the new version, but the status of my cameras is never correct. I cannot depend on them to pick events up and display them. Camera status says on when it’s off, off when it’s on, offline when it’s online or offline. Bizarre.

It might be worth a try to uninstall the app, reboot your phone, reinstall the app, and reboot your phone again. There are reports elsewhere on the Forum that doing a fresh installation has resolved some users’ problems because something seemed to go wrong with the in-place update.

It’s inconvenient and seems like it should be unnecessary, but if the app is giving you incorrect data then it might be worth a shot to see if that makes any difference.

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Thanks. It’s worth a try.


I spoke to a senior technical advisor at Wyze today and I upgraded to 3.5. Much much better. Seems to be much better than 3.0. They just released it two days ago, August 21.


New app looks nice, but is junk under the hood. Logging into the cameras is a nightmare and unreliable. This is due to all the auto-logging in for the previews and the. Loading the camera. Something either doesn’t translate in the app or the cameras, maybe both.

I’ve had several versions and types of Wyze cams and just recently dropped a good bit of money upgrading my cameras around the house to newer versions, but I’m gonna scrap them all now. The sensors keep disconnecting, can’t log into camera when needs, constantly resetting the app, and cameras mysteriously go offline now for days at a time.

Sorry. The company had a good mission that we believed in, but my faith isn’t here anymore. I understand Wyze wants to make money to prosper and create better services, but with each new version, the cameras are less capable. The motion detection zone doesn’t work at all anymore with any of the new systems even though it’s there. I refuse to pay a subscription to a camera that just goes offline whenever or you can’t log into when needed.

Thank you for the false hopes, but I’ll be liquidating our investment for a more reliable system that we can at least see the feed upon needing to do so.

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