Unlimited plan purchase from Amazon

I purchased a 1-year unlimited plan via Amazon and it will not link to my existing Wyze account. Wyze support says “We are unable to manage Wyze Service subscriptions purchased through Amazon from our end. We recommend reaching out directly to Amazon Cust Service for further assistance.”
Has anyone purchased a plan via Amazon and linked it to an existing Wyze Account? If so, any tips or tricks ?

Not sure about subscription through Amazon, but I know people having issues with subscriptions purchased through Apple and Google App Store. I’d imagine Amazon falls under the same umbrella.

Out of curiosity, why did you purchase the subscription through Amazon instead directly from Wyze?

It was cheaper from amazon - there was a 2 camera bundle with an unlimited plan for under $70

You would think that Wyze would have some control over what they sell. Have you tried reaching out to Amazon like Wyze suggested?

Since it came from the Amazon WYZE store I thought it would be a easy subscription linking process…

Nothing is easy when it comes to Wyze :rofl:

NEVER EVER buy any Wyze subscription anywhere other than directly on the Wyze website.


I just leave it at that, but that’s me. :grinning:

I bought the same thing from Amazon, have you got it working yet? If so let me know how.

No - I ended up processing an amazon return for the unlimited plan and keeping the two v4s. Still a great deal but I was hoping to use the 1-year unlimited plan as well…

Looks to me that it comes with only one month of the unlimited plan, not one year

I am having the sane trouble, I am unable to link the subscription I purchased on Amazon to my Wyze account. I dont want to have to repurchase again. Its so frustrating and I feel like I have wasted a bunch of time trying to figure this out.

There are a variety of options

I have finally figured it out!!!
So if you go to the product purchase and open the subscription purchase up like you are purchasing it again, scroll to the bottom and there is a video on how to link the amazon subscription purchase to your wyze account.
WHAT THEY DON’T TELL YOU is it cannot be performed on your mobile device. YOU MUST LINK THE ACCOUNTS USING A DESKTOP, then it works perfectly.

Its kinda the same if you buy Turbo Tax, you have to use the Desktop to download and link to Turbo Tax.

Its too bad they have not made clearer instructions.
Hope this works for the rest of you!

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Thanks, I was looking at the Amazon offer linked in the third post above which is a monthly subscription. I missed the “Explore bundles” link in the listing. :grin: