Unknown Charge on my account

I took a trial and cancelled it weeks prior of its due date to avoid any renewal charges but I was charged today $2.99. My app shows no payment methods nor on website so probably Wyz backend stored my PayPal. Also my Apple subscription showed just one which I cancelled weeks ago while my Wyz app/website show three and different from my Apple subscription. I tried getting in touch with Wyz Support within prescribed time on call, waited for a long time probably 40mins but no response, so emailed support and was issued a ticket. Exchanged emails but they are not responding now. I want a refund and I want no payment methods attached also as I tried deleting to avoid any future unknown charge but none are visible on app or website and that is alarming too.

If it was thru paypal, open a dispute and they’ll reverse it

No option, PayPal options are suggesting to contact them via support email and if it doesn’t resolve by June 2024 then I should contact

The App has no access to your Billing profile, Payment Method, or Charge History.

The only way to access these is thru the Wyze Web Portal my.wyze.com

There, if you click on Account in the 3 Bar drop menu, then select Billing History in the Services drop menu, you will see all charges initiated from Wyze originated subscriptions.

Additionally, if you choose Services, it will show all active billable subscriptions. Since the charge is for $2.99, it appears to be for a Monthly Cam Plus. If the subscription was purchased from the Wyze Web Site directly, that is where it will show. Choosing Payment in that same menu will allow you to review and edit your payment method.

But, you also mention Apple Subscriptions. Those are subscriptions that would have been purchased thru the App Store Tab. Wyze has absolutely no way to affect these subscriptions. Those are sold and serviced by Apple thru their App Store. If the subscription corresponding to the charge is not within your account on the Wyze Web Portal, it is likely one being controlled by Apple and must be taken up with them.

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The trial I purchased was on the Wyz app which then appeared under Apple Store Subscriptions which I cancelled after few days for any recurring charges. Also, in Wyz account there were three active renewals as well which I noticed. How can there be three additional renewals for separate dates under one account which is not showing on Apple too? Plus no payment method is stored on it so it picked my PayPal from the time I used the trial perhaps. All in all it’s frustrating as things under one account should not be different on Apple subscriptions than the account billing plus how to make sure it won’t charge again like this? It’s quite frustrating. Plus customer service disappeared on me.

I was charged but my Cam has no access for recording anymore too.

That trial, since it was acquired thru the Wyze App, is an Apple controlled subscription. Wyze has no control over that. Apple is the seller and it must be cancelled within the Apple App Store. Wyze can do nothing about that subscription. The fact that you were charged for that subscription after the trial ended indicates it was not cancelled thru the Apple App Store. The only way to get anything resolved with that subscription is to contact Apple App Store Customer Support.

It is common to have Subscription Services listed in the Services area of the Wyze Web Portal that are not showing in the Apple App Store. Only Subscriptions acquired directly from Wyze thru Web Site Store purchases will show in the Wyze Web Portal. Only Subscriptions acquired from Apple thru the App Store purchases will show in Apple. You cannot manage Apple Subscriptions thru the Wyze Web Site and vice versa. The only place you will see both listed in the same list is in the Account > Services page of the Wyze app. Each will show a distinctive logo showing the origin. But you cannot manage them there. Apple Subscriptions must be managed in the Apple App Store and Wyze subscriptions in the Wyze Web Portal my.wyze.com.

Your Apple App Store and your Wyze Account are two different companies. Subscriptions purchased from two different stores. Two totally separate accounts.

I always recommend users NEVER purchase subscriptions thru the App. Always buy subscriptions direct from Wyze on the Web Site Store. Those Wyze Subscriptions are so much easier to deal with.

For Apple App Store Subscriptions, the ones that show the Apple Logo in the Services page of the App, You must login to the Apple App Store, find the subscription, and cancel it thru their App.

For Wyze Subscriotiins, the ones that show the WWW logo in the Services page of the App, you can cancel those from within the Wyze Web Portal my.wyze.com, Account > Services, find the subscription in the list > Manage Subscription > Cancel Subscription.

If it was an Apple subscription that charged, there is nothing they can do to help. They can’t touch those. The Apple Empire has them locked up. If this was the case, they probably closed your ticket.

If you “Unassigned” your Cam from the subscription in the App, you did not cancel it. This only pulls that cam off of the active subscription. You are free to assign any other cam to that subscription. Subscriptions are not cam specific. Just because your Subscription has no cam assigned to it doesn’t mean it isn’t still active. It will still keep billing you even though no cam is assigned to it. Unassigning a Cam from a subscription will mean that cam has no subscription services, but your account still owns the subscription until cancelled.

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You should be in Wyz tech support. Thank you for the clarity and info you provided which has cleared up few things for me. Wish Wyz could have dealt it the same way. Once again, thank you.


You’re welcome! Thanks! It comes from my unhealthy addiction to Wyze gadgets (far too many to count) and this Forum. I have read soooooo many posts regarding troubles with subscription management when the Apple App Store is involved.

In your defense, the process is overly complicated and confusing. Good luck!

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