Unable to pull up and edit an existing rule

I have a rule that turns a wyze bulb on at night and off in the morning. I’ve been able to edit it before and it’s running fine. Now that the sun goes down later, I tried to edit the rule and am unable to even pull it up. It crashes the app as soon as I click on the rule. By crashing the app, I mean that the app restarts and defaults to the “Home” tab.

This happens in both ios and android app.

All of my other rules work fine including another similar rule to control another wyze bulb.

@bensonma Welcome to the Wyze community!

What app version are you using?

If you haven’t done so, try restarting your device first and if that doesn’t help uninstall/reinstall the app.

Really weird. Sounds like a bug.

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the android version is v2.17.7
restarting, uninstalling doesn’t fix it

Other than this forum, is there a place to report or get support for bugs?


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Sorry to hear. You can contact Wyze Customer Support. Call or use link below to start a support ticket.

Wyze Support:

Wyze Customer Support (206) 339-9646 Available Monday - Friday 5 am - 6 pm PT and Saturday 8 am - 4 pm PT

Or Submit a Request

Great, Thank you very much!

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You’re welcome!