Turn off sense hub tones for select sensors

I have seen other posts that mention a “tune” setting under monitoring, but either I’m blind or that option doesn’t show up for me.
Could someone please post screenshots of where this setting is on the newest version of the app?


Old app and new app are the same. I don’t think this applies if you don’t have a Home Monitoring subscription. If you do, tap the Monitoring tab icon lower center > scroll to the bottom and tap Home Monitoring Settings > tap Tune Settings > tap one of your sensors and select Entry Notice Off or On. Repeat for each sensor. Default is On.

I don’t have the home monitoring subscription, but I do have the monitoring button that gives me options for arm/disarm/away.
There is a settings in there that lists devices, but that only shows cameras, not any sensors…
If it’s not possible without yet another subscription, I’ll just crack it open and disconnect the speaker.
Not to be a whiner, but I already subscribe to cam+, and purchased the sense hub and sensors, I am certainly not about to pay more just to silence a beep every time someone opens a door in my house.


Unfortunately, at this time, it’s not possible. We have a wishlist topic that covers this request, but we have no idea if and when Wyze will implement the feature for non-subscribers.

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I forgot about this until a few days ago. I had removed all my Wyze contact sensors and switched to YoLink. Then I needed one to trigger a Wyze bulb and re-added one and now it chimes. Very annoying to say the least. The sensor will stay for now but it reminded me of why I stopped using Wyze sensors.


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