Too many 1 minute videos of continuous event

I have several Cam Pan V3’s and am using them to monitor a meeting and training room. The intent is to record what occurs in the room. The cameras are set for motion and sound detection, and I have tried both using the MicroSD card and the Cam+ web service. The results are a lot of 1 to 2 minute videos, with gaps between them. Pretty useless for my purpose, actually. I have tried to find some way to make it record longer videos, but I don’t see any controls that adjust the length of a video after it has been triggered by sound or motion. I also can’t find anything that will allow it to continue recording if motion continues within that time window. It seems the camera is designed to take quick pictures of your cat, and not much else. Was I directed to the wrong cameras for this kind of solution?

Set the cameras to continuous recording to the µSD card.

No option to adjust it for camplus.

Cam plus/cloud recording is a separate function of the micro SD/local storage. If you put a SD card in the camera, set the micro SD card recording to continuous, your camera will record continuously. If you fill up the card, the oldest footage will be deleted and overwritten first. SD card and cloud are seperate and independent of eachother.

The SD card recording does save one minute increment files to the card through, but you won’t know that until you remove the card and look at the files on a computer

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