TinyCam Pro failed to connect error after V3 firmware

My V3 which is on home lan connects fine in Tinycam but V3 in remote location does not, Both V3s connect fine in Wyze app.
Probably same problem as described in other thread but for some reason cannot open it.
It says it is now private discussion:


No that was a different issue that user had. I know Alexey (the TinyCam developer) is currently working on an issue with the connect to Wyze on updated firmware. Is there a chance your two cameras are on different firmware versions?

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Thank you for answer.
Both cams on same firmware, newest 8391.
The only difference one is on home router, the other in remote location.
Wyze app streams both cams.
Tinycam pro fails to stream from camera in remote location outside home.
Error is something like iotc_relay_nat failed.
Before upgrade saw the error occasionally but eventually Tinycam app loaded stream after waiting a minute or so.
When I go to camera settings I see both cams, both their mac addresses, both channels

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TinyCam dev announced Wyze issues are fixed in the latest app version: