I brought this up several times before. Wyze needs to have a local hub that everything connects to. Then the Wyze hub, when necessary, connects to the Wyze server.
In the event of an issue with the Wyze servers, the cams could still be viewed and controlled locally.
Years ago my smart home was Samsung SmartThings. It interfaced with my lighting, door locks, leak sensors, lots of stuff. It had a hub but everything was sent to the cloud, When the Samsung server was down, the lights didn’t come on when we got home and the front door did not automatically unlock. Water leaks would have not alerted me nor would they shut the water valve off. Very negative Wife Acceptance Factor. Was told several times to just put it back like it was. Sometimes the Samsung servers were down for hours.
I switched to Hubitat Elevation, which also uses a hub, but is local and very reliable. I can cut the coax for my Internet and my devices still function locally. The hub needs Internet for firmware updates, and also if you want remote access.
Since Wyze makes nothing they sell, convincing a third party manufacturer to design and build the Wyze hub would be difficult. So we are at the mercy of the Wyze servers.
@raf1069 if the trash man hasn’t pick up your garbage, I will pay shipping if you send them to me. One can never have too many cameras.