I’m having an issue with finding the correct way to wire the thermostat to our heat pump. The current wiring, is using jumpers.
Current wiring:
Red wire - Rc (jumper to rh)
Yellow wire - Y1 (jumper to w1)
Green wire - G
Blue wire - B
White wire - C
Empty - O
I had tried the following:
Red wire - Rc
Yellow wire - Y1
Green wire - G
Blue wire - O/B
White wire - C
With this wiring, during the testing the hot test was blowing cold, and I didn’t feel any change during the cold test.
I thought maybe swapping the red (rc) and the yellow (y1) would swap the temps, and this did work for the heat, however cooling test wouldn’t start the compressor. It’s possible I didn’t let it set long enough?
You have a heat pump with no backup heat. use the same wiring that you have listed.
Red wire - Rc
Yellow wire - Y1
Green wire - G
Blue wire - O/B
White wire - C
tell it your old thermostat has the following wires:
Rc, C, Y, G, B
The test may not perform properly, because of the compressor restart delay.
if it heats when you want it to cool, go to settings>advanced>swap hot/cold
Thank you, that was exactly it! When I tried it again, I noticed a message that the pump was delaying the start. As soon as I flipped the toggle it was all working