Thermostat wiring for heat pump with jumpers

I’m having an issue with finding the correct way to wire the thermostat to our heat pump. The current wiring, is using jumpers.

Current wiring:
Red wire - Rc (jumper to rh)
Yellow wire - Y1 (jumper to w1)
Green wire - G
Blue wire - B
White wire - C
Empty - O

I had tried the following:
Red wire - Rc
Yellow wire - Y1
Green wire - G
Blue wire - O/B
White wire - C

With this wiring, during the testing the hot test was blowing cold, and I didn’t feel any change during the cold test.

I thought maybe swapping the red (rc) and the yellow (y1) would swap the temps, and this did work for the heat, however cooling test wouldn’t start the compressor. It’s possible I didn’t let it set long enough?

You have a heat pump with no backup heat. use the same wiring that you have listed.
Red wire - Rc
Yellow wire - Y1
Green wire - G
Blue wire - O/B
White wire - C
tell it your old thermostat has the following wires:
Rc, C, Y, G, B

The test may not perform properly, because of the compressor restart delay.

if it heats when you want it to cool, go to settings>advanced>swap hot/cold

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Thank you, that was exactly it! When I tried it again, I noticed a message that the pump was delaying the start. As soon as I flipped the toggle it was all working

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