I just finished installing the Wyze thermostat and it’s working great.
There’s something I’m not completely clear on with the Temperature Preferences.
I feel like it’s done in a way that your preferences cover summer and winter, which is great, but it also seems like I can’t hone in on a temperature that I like.
During the cold months, I like the house to heat to 73º when I’m home.
During the warm months, I like to cool the house to 71º when I’m home. Obviously that would logically force the heater and cooler to be on between 71 & 73…but I’d be happy with heat to 72º and cool to 73º, but the schedule forces a 5º separation. Heat to 73 and cool to 78. That’s way too hot for summer. Cool to 73 and heat to 68, a little colder than I like during the winter. Either way I’m not really satisfied with at least one of the temps (cool to or heat to).
Or is the intention that you change these settings seasonally?
I feel like there’s probably a larger piece that I’m missing that ties this all together. Any help is appreciated.