Thermostat help! Please!

Set up the thermostat today. Thought I had it right but it is just blowing cool air and no heat! Thought I followed instructions right. There was a rogue brown wire that wasn’t hooked up to the old thermostat, so I did not hook it up to the Wyze. Please help! First picture is my old thermostat.

Here is the Wyze.

The orange wire tells me you have a heat pump.
Use these labels:
You’ll need to reset your wyze by pressing and holding the button and remove and re-add your thermostat to pick the right setup.
Tell the wyze app your old thermostat has the following wires: (from left to right on your picture)
Aux, G, O/B, C, Y, R

You may need to go to advanced settings and switch heat and cold when you are done, if it heats when you try to run the A/C and cools when you try to run the heating.

So I for sure had wires in all the wrong places. But… I have fixed that and we are still blowing cool or room temp air. Here is the new wire configuration you recommended.

Did you reset it and tell it what wires you have?

Yes. I reset and put those wires in. Tried to switch cool and heat. The air coming from the vents is a little warmer but no where near how warm it was with my other thermostat.

Only use switch cool and heat if it’s heating when you set it to cool. What is your aux heat? heat strips or gas pack?