Am I the only person who’s thermostat is bricked after this latest firmware update?
Well that would suck, especially because it’s controlling your Temp inside your house. No heat or no A/C can really suck on the day you really need it.
Buy hey, you can deal with Wyze slow customer service and see if they will send you another one after going through the hoops.
They have exactly 1 thermostat. You think they couldn’t screw that up! I’m not at all shocked.
My Ecobee 4 that I’ve had for quite some time now, ZERO issues. It’s been a couple years I guess. I got mine long before Wyze came out with theirs. It costs a lot more though. A cheap Camera fails, not the end of the world, don’t have heat of a very cold day, or A/C on a very hot day, and you’re going to be very mad.
Maybe this is just a fluke? Bad luck and you’ll never again have any issues?!?! Big plus for me with the Ecobee, It supports Homekit, along with Alexa, Google, SmartThings, and IFTTT. Having Alexa built is has been pointless. Better off getting the cheaper 3, and if you need Alexa, get a cheap Echo Dot you can place in a much better location and still save money.
Wyze price point is great. So they have that. I hope things work out for you.