Thermostat - Alexa - Server is Unresponsive

I installed the thermostat around a week ago without issue. All is working great through the Wyze app. The thermostat shows up in the Alexa app but has the error “server is unresponsive”. Is this a problem just for me? Or is this unsupported by Wyze?

Welcome to the Wyze community @bhinman!
The thermostat is compatible with Alexa. I’m able to adjust it just fine. Have you try un-linking and re-linking the Wyze skill? Ask Alexa to “discover devices”.

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Thanks! That did it!


I am having the same issue. I did un-link then linked it back. It finds the thermostat but then give a device unresponsive even though it works with the Wyze app.

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Same here right now! :pleading_face:

I had that issue also. I did the unlinking then linked again and it worked the first time. Finally I unplugged the thermostat then plugged it back in and it has worked ever since. Hope this works for you.