For the most part, I’m not a fan, but I’ll start with a positive (so my vote could almost as easily go into the “It’s ok, but needs work.” category).
It does do a decent job of summarizing some content, like when I was curious about a mesh router comparison. That’s actually kind of nice that it can compile and present that information in a useful format along with references and links to sources.
On the downside, it seems unnecessarily cumbersome and intrusive when I want to find specific information quickly. I understand putting it front and center for the main interface that you want users to interact with, but it often feels like it actually adds to the work and steps necessary for a user to find certain information (like a contact phone number that requires nine steps to produce[1]), and the process of trying to open a ticket is significantly less efficient since the full-page ticket submission form has been removed and the user is required to jump through seven hoops in order to get to a pitifully-abbreviated submission form within the chat facility. This just feels really anti-user to me.
At least in a desktop browser the regular non-AI search facility is still available near the upper-right of the page (and in the ≡ “hamburger” menu in a mobile browser), but in the case of creating tickets a search here merely directs a user to the “How do I contact Wyze Support?” Help Center article, which directs users back to the AI-powered search bar in order to create a ticket. This kind of run-around is frustrating and unnecessary.
To end on a positive-ish note, I do think the AI-enhanced search box is less intrusive now than it was several weeks or months ago, when it would automatically pop-up from the lower-right corner of the screen and try to initiate a chat any time I hit the Help Center’s home page. That was a bloody nightmare on mobile.
I guess technically I just did it in 8 steps, but it would be only 7 if I didn’t have to click the same
response twice early in the process, and that’s still too
many. ↩︎