Suggestion: Automatic camera switching

I have like 15 cameras intalled all over my house but monitoring them all using the webview has issues of contant disconnecting.
I’m assuming it’s the traffic from all the cameras trying to upload the feeds all at once or something.
My internet is pretty good too and I’m using a Nighthawk router so I’m sure my network isn’t the problem.
Also the mobile app works fine without any disconnects.

So I was wondering if using one group of four on the app has a feature that atutomatically switches to the next four and so on during a specific time period.

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Welcome to the Forum, @Solid-0! :wave:

I’m not aware of anything native to Wyze that does that automatically, but the  Monitoring tab in the app allows you to set up more than one group of four cameras to view simultaneously, and then when viewing a group on that tab in landscape mode, you can swipe left and right to navigate between your groups. Something like that might get you partway toward what you seem to be seeking.

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tinyCam third party app does this (and a bunch of other stuff) really well. I set it to cycle through eight cams four at a time and it maintains connectivity nicely.


I wondered if that was the case, which is why I stipulated “native to Wyze” in my response. :wink:

Thanks for the additional information!

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I am aware of creating groups of 4 but I was hoping for a feature that lets it cycle to the next group automatically.

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I will try the tinycam app.
I didn’t know third-party apps can connect to wyze cameras an such.
If it can cycle through the cameras automatically then that is the exact feature I was looking for.


I have had tinycam pro for years and never knew. How do you set this up?


It cycles single cams or groups. When cycling a group (landscape) if you double tap one of the group it will expand that cam to full screen and continue to cycle single cams. Tap the group icon in the overlay (upper right) to return to cycling the group without interruption.

You can also swipe left/right between cams or groups without interrupting the cycling.

Did you make a bet with someone that I would make an ‘overkill’ response? You win. :smile:


It’s just the right amount of kill. :smile:

Good information.


Agreed. This was perfect for an explanation, including diagrams. Overkill would be Carverofchoice explaining anything


I don’t know. Some people like the details.

Too bad we don’t have a verbose scale attached in our profile to use AI to scale post accordingly. Sometimes details are needed but some prefer more meat, less potatoes.

I doubt the crowd will ever be 100% happy. Would be nice.

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