Starting new setup. Have questions

Hi. I just picked up a new starter bundle for my significant other. We’re going to start with adding 2 other cameras to it initially.

To make it easier for her, I was wanting to get everything setup and connected when she his here with me as it will be easiest. This is due to it will be physically installed elsewhere, and I won’t be with her to do.

That being said, once she gets it to the final destination and cams installed, what will be needed to get it working at that location? As it will be a different router/internet connection than here.


Unless the other location uses the same SSID/Password combination, you’ll be wasting your time. Changing the network configuration requires you to run setup again on all devices.

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Welcome @gaige

My initial recommendation is to make sure you are using the same SSID and password on the router when setting things up. Then when she gets to her location and powers it on, it should automatically connect as the credentials will match. If you don’t use the same, when she gets home, she will need to run through the setup to get her SSID and Password set for each camera and device.

Also, Make sure you use Her phone to set things up, this will allow her to be the administrator and have full control of the devices. Of course, you can set it up with your phone, but you will need to make sure you are logged into the app with her credentials.

Since you got the Starter bundle, I am assuming it is the HMS starter bundle, correct? If so and you paid for the HMS Subscription, make sure you use her address when setting it up. If you are planning on doing self monitoring and not paying for the service, then simply set it up as you would the camera’s. Again, user Her SSID and Password to make is simpler. The Security Bundle can be hooked up via Ethernet. if you set it up that way, then the SSID and password will not matter.

Good luck with your process, individuals are here to help if needed.

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As others have mentioned, temporarily set up the same SSID and password she uses at home (if your router supports guest network, can just enable that using her info during the setup process). This of course assumes she knows what her SSID and password are :slight_smile:

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