Sprkler Settings Being Ignored

I reset my watering days from M-W-F to Tue-Fri about a week ago and saved everything but the controller is still watering on M-W-F.

Similar to this, I’ve been troubleshooting my Wyze sprinkler system and my irrigation system. I used my meter and tested everything and everything in my system works well with the controller I am replacing with the Wyze controller. The only thing that’s malfunctioning is the Wyze sprinkler controller. I have checked and have the most updated firmware. But, the controller is putting the power out to turn on valves but fails when its time to close them. It still pushes out voltage which keeps the valves on, despite my setting to have them turned off.

I reinstalled my old sprinkler controller and everything works just fine. So, my best guess is that the Wyze controller is faulty or needs updating.

Anyone else experiencing this issue or found a resolution to it?

It has to be software or App related as it works perfectly bit is just ignoring the change I made in the schedule. I may have to delete the schedule and recreate it.