Sprinkler power supply died

I’ve had the sprinkler controller for a couple of seasons now, and this year I had a solenoid valve that went bad and now the power supply for the controller isn’t working. I’m fairly certain the solenoid valve had a fault, it caused too much current draw and this burned out the transformer or something similar in the power supply for the controller.

I’ve replaced the valve and now I need to replace the power supply. Is there one that is recommended by Wyze? I didn’t find one on their web store. I can find 24V AC transformers for doorbells easily online. If this type of power supply is the right kind, I can easily make the electrical connection from the transformer to the controller unit.

Thanks for any help.

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It just says you need : 24V AC, 60Hz, 850mA

I had my Sprinkler controller adapter go bad a long time ago and Wyze just replaced it, but that might’ve been because I was under warranty. It could be worth asking them if they have replacements for it.

I think you’re fine to find/use your own power adapter as long as it conforms to the above specs. I don’t remember well what kind of connection it uses, but as long as it fits and is done safely, should be fine.

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