Hey all, I got the cam today but for some reason the WYZE 2 CAM I got does not record events once motion is detected…
Is there a way to fix this?
The cam has a wifi strength of 89%, the latest firmware version and no sd card installed. When looking at the live stream, I see that I am being detected but nothing is being recorded.
In the settings for event recording, schedule is set to all day and detects motion is on.
Btw I got the pack that came with the cam, two contact and one motion sensors. The two contact sensors work but not the motion sensor.
Look at the bottom of your screen when you are on the home screen. You will see a button/tab called “Events” click on that, you should see video clips in there.
Without an SD card the only video recording you get is Event videos. Usually 12 seconds long.
I am getting a SD card too but the camera is in a location that makes the camera easy to grab. And even if the camera is up on my wall or something. The person can just tug on the charging wire to pull the camera down.
I understand now. That’s a judgement call you have to make. But you may want to search on here about the RTSP firmware. That would allow you to use 3rd party software to monitor and record your video feed potentially.
If it’s not even recording the 12 second clip to the cloud, something isn’t working right. I’m not sure what the problem is, and someone else might be better at helping you troubleshoot.
Regarding someone taking the camera, that is a risk with any system, and would require cloud storage to prevent loss of footage in the event of the camera being taken. Wyze is going to offer a complete motion capture cloud service here: https://services.wyze.com/detail/cmc
If you need continuous cloud recording (which most people don’t, especially for an indoor camera), that is not something Wyze has announced (as far as I’m aware), so if you don’t mind messing with technology, you can try RTSP as mentioned above, or try another system that can handle continuous cloud recording.
I’m not sure what to recommend other than a reset process, which would include removing the camera from your account, uninstalling the mobile app, doing a hardware reset, and then starting fresh.
I’m not as familiar with these as I’d like, as mine has been working as designed from the beginning and I’ve been more focused on professional quality video surveillance. So, if the reset process above doesn’t work, I’d recommend you see if someone else on here can assist, or contact support.
If you want to try it, you can. Just keep in mind that’s not fully supported, and if there is some kind of hardware issue then that’s not going to address it.
Personally, if a reset didn’t fix anything, I’d contact support, and if they can’t help, I’d ask for a replacement, just in case the issue is hardware related.
can we see screen shots of your settings. it’s not to spite your knowledge or ability but as a double check there might be something small that is being overlooked. it happens infrequently but it’s worth a shot.
What’s your detection zone look like? I see you turned it on but what area are you defining and is motion happening in the defined zone?
A good troubleshooting step would be to turn the detection zone off, that tells the camera that it’s entire field of view should be considered. Detection zones are usually used to restrict the area considered.
I would say at this point your best bet would be to contact Wyze Support. This forum is primarily a user to user forum and we are users just like you. Wyze Support are a great bunch and have access to tools to help you that we don’t.
I agree with @rbruceporter. the first and only thing I saw was the detection zone but your clarification on that removed that possibility. I also think you should start a support ticket. I’ve got nothing. you seem to have all the bases covered.
and thank you for posting the pictures. as silly as it seems its just one of those things that has helped us diagnose in the past. thank you and best of luck. knowing Wyze they should get this resolved in any number of ways.
That did happen to me also. What I did is installed a previous version of the app (2.4.82, only one available from Wyze server) and this fixed the problem. I am still using that version right now since the latest one isn’t playing well with my hardware for whatever reasons.
Also check the app permissions for Wyze. Since the events video are created on your phone/tablet first before being uploaded to the server, I made sure that the storage permission was enabled.