Anyone else seeing these issues?
I had Wyze Cam v3 cameras set up w Smart Detections and no events recorded since last Tuesday. Switch to All Events and works to record vehicle motion. Switch back to Smart Detection, which includes all items (vehicles and people), and nothing detected.
I also found one of two cameras that had Smart Detections set that were not recording, and noticed that the Detection Area on one camera was result to default (nothing)… and had to be set up again. Strange.
Perhaps an auto firmware update did this? Not sure.
Right now I have to set all cameras to All Events in order to detect and record anything.
Problem is that I only saw this looking for video footage and saw no recording over past week.
On a side note, when you select EVENTS and select several cameras with the filter, it doesn’t always load all cameras. You have to reset the filter and then all of the cameras and events will be displayed. May be issue w UI and first load of Events page… but some issues here as well.
Anyone seeing these issues also?
I have six V3 cams and haven’t seen your issue. Last firmware update to the V3 was July 2024. Have you tried to reset services from the app? If you do that it will turn on all smart detections like person/pet/vehicle/package.
Thanks Antonius for confirming you have not seen.
I will try resetting services to see if it makes a difference, thanks for the tip!
I should clarify the camera versions and firmware I am dealing with.
- Wyze Cam v3 FW- w LampSocket FW-
- Wyze Cam v3 FW- w LampSocket FW-
- Wyze Cam v3 Pro FW-
Motion events were not being detected by 2x v3s… when configured for “Smart Detection Events”. So I increased sensitivity which made no difference. I also formatted SD card to see if that resolved issue, it did not. I then switched to “All Motion Events” and it started recording motion events.
With the v3 Pro I changed from “All Motion Events” to “Smart Detection” to see if it would classify events by people, pet, package, etc… one is on driveway/street and other at front door. I wasn’t classifying what was noted in the events, strangely… so couldn’t filter for say, People at the door or driveway. When I did this, the camera stopped recording ANY motion events… I left this way for about 4-5 hours. I then switched back to “All Motion Events” and immediately, motion events started being recorded.
I will try resetting the cameras and see if this makes a difference and/or resolve operational issues. Thanks again!
Have you tried leaving Event Recording set to All Motion Events but set Notifications to the Smart Detections that you want to be alerted on?
Hi StevenA … yes, I just tried setting this this morning… will see how it performs. 
Typically All Motion Events catches everything but without tags for content.
Do you have Cam Plus or Cam Plus Lite?
On your Event Video page you should be able to select what Smart Detection (Person, vehicle, Pet etc.) you want to see tags for.
I have Cam Plus Lite but can select Person. See the blue button in the upper left of my picture. I am still on App version 2.50, so your Events pages may look different.
I have Cam Plus … it was working previously identifying people, pets, packages, vehicle, etc… it just stopped working last week Tuesday.
One more thing to try is clear the App Cache.
In the App go to Account- App Settings and Clear the Cache Files.
After RESET SERVICES for each camera and re-checking/resetting “Event Recording” from “All Events” to “Smart Detection Events” and Customizing Smart Detections for all selected options, everything appears to be working correctly again. There were a couple times where modifying the configuration with the Wyze app on IOS did not “stick” or Smart Detections options were not selected, or config of camera stayed with “Smart Detection Events” when “All Motion Events” was set earlier… maybe connectivity issues to camera on WiFi. Always good to check config changes after set. :). Will monitor and see if problems resolved. Thanks all for your comments and help… G
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