Smart Detection No Longer Working on Cam v3 Pro

Hi - My Cam v3 Pro used to record events with “Smart Detection Events” enabled. It no longer does so. The only way it will record events now is if I disable “Smart Detection Events” and instead enable “All Events.” This is under the “Event Recording” tab on the Android app. All firmware and software is current. I have Cam Unlimited. Other cameras are unaffected and work just fine.

Have you tried the Reset Services at the bottom of the settings page?
My V3 Pro continues to record what I have set, Person/Pet/Package/Vehicle.
I use iOS and have the 3.2 app.


That worked! Thank you!


You will have to go back and make your smart detection selections. When you hit reset it turns them all on by default.
Glad it worked.


I have been seeing this and seeing this on my V3 Pro’s. I have to do it every couple of months.

I took my V3 pro down and replaced it with a V3. I can’t access camera status light in “Settings”; it says camera not connected, but it shows the live screen.

Similarly, I can’t access the same setting on the floodlight V2; the app freezes.

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