Scratched lens on video doorbell pro

Does anyone have a fix or repair/ replacement recommendation for my doorbell pro camera with a scratched lens? The camera was knocked off the mount and skidded on the concrete porch. There is a scratched spot on the center of the lens that obscures the center of the picture. Can the lense be repaired or replaced? Can I do the work? I’ve tried plastic scratch remover, toothpaste, baking soda and alcohol paste without much success. Thanks!


Same thing happened to mine. I cant find any info. About repairs either.

Concrete scratch to plastic or glass is not going to come out with those traditional scratch removal methods (heck they rarely work on even fine scratches).

Someone skilled at buffing might be able to polish it out using a rotary tool or small DA buffer, but a novice will just end up hazing/scratching the entire lens.

I doubt that even an ultra clear filler would help much, you’d still have artifacts in the image, but it may be better.

Obviously popping out and replacing the lens is the way to go but no idea if you can find a source of that lens. I would imagine they bought them “off the shelf” from a manufacturer, but finding that same one on Ali or a similar site is going to take some time and research.

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I don’t know if you can get the exact same lens, but you could take it, measure it and search for a lens about the same size that has similar resolution and field of view and swap it out.

While I don’t know of anyone doing this with a VDBPro model, I do know of people who have done this with several other Wyze cams to give them a macrolens or other things instead, so swapping for a 3rd party lens can obviously be done. the question is whether the effort is worth it vs the cost of a replacement. It might be?

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