Hi all! Newbie here. I searched the entire forum, but I didn’t see this issue I’m having. I just finished my chat with Mary D. and she informed me that my order of the two scooter models are already processed and that I will receive an email about it’s shipment soon. I placed this order five days ago during the highly anticipated flash sale. May be the side effects of Amazon Prime-ism, but am I being too impatient? She couldn’t confirm either way if my scooters will arrive in time for Christmas! Bottom line: is anyone else in the same boat?
Me too- Ordered 2 in first 3 minutes of sale. Not shipped yet.
Same, ordered 2 when it said ~1500 available and still not shipped.
Wyze Mobility is a whole different company. Completely irrelevant to our issues. I just had the same conversation with a rep. They know nothing. It’s really disappointing considering I now have to find a backup for my son’s “Santa present”. I did get the earbuds today that I ordered at the same time. The email confirming delivery of the buds has scooter under it as “being processed” and when I clicked the link to get more info it took me to the Hydroflask website. Hydroflask??? WTF? What really ticks me off is that it’s been telling me it would be delivered today with NO mention of it being a partial order until it was marked as delivered.
Exact same. Literally refreshed until the sale started and ordered instantly. There’s absolutely no excuse for this whatsoever. They know people are buying these as Christmas gifts, and now it feels more like a Christmas GRIFT.
So I just reached out for help via a Twitter DM to Wyze. 30 minutes later I got a shipping notice. b00m!
I just got my shipping notice too! Woot Woot! But that Christmas GRIFT had me laughing . . .
FedEx is estimating a Thursday(22nd) delivery for me. I’m in Indianapolis.
Just got a shipping notice from Wyze picked up by FEDX on the 15th in
CA. delivery to 12/22.
Just got my FedEx shipping code.
Mine says signature required on delivery. Anyone else?
Yes, signature required
Yes- mine also
Yup, a signature is required for me too. One other thing I found interesting is that it says the scooter was actually picked up by FedEx on December 16. As of today, it’s actually IN Florida already. So why wasn’t any of this info available when we all inquired?
Ok, just got the email update that my scooters will arrive “by the end of the day” Wednesday, signature also required. Thanks everyone for chiming in. At least I know I wasn’t the only one.
Ugh! I just got bumped to Friday… the same day we’re supposed to get a blizzard like snow storm.
I ordered 2 also one of each but FEDX is showing only 1 package @ 14 lbs. which would be the A6. The C9 should weigh about 17bls. How about your shipment?
I only ordered an A6, but my FedEx date jumped from the 22nd to today, the 20th . . . which is really odd but awesome. I bet these didn’t ship directly from Wyze and whoever sent them out screwed the pooch on sending the tracking info (since FedEx had it like 5 days ago) leaving poor Wyze in a customer service frenzy.
I believe the partner company is Segway. Very unlike them.