I’ve been using RTSP on about 6-8 cams (all v2 cams) without any issue for quite a while. Now I’m finding that I’m getting connections refused to the RTSP port where previously they were working. When I connected to each cam via the app, it showed that RTSP had been turned off (, something that wouldn’t have been done on purpose). After turning RTSP back on for each cam, I’m still getting connection refused. Any ideas on what’s going on, and if there’s going to be another RTSP update, it’s been quite a while since there’s been one.
Which RTSP version are you using? FYI, I have 16 V2 and two Pan cameras with RTSP versions 4.28…4.49 and All are working fine. All are streaming to BlueIris.
I’m using (all regular v2 cams, no pans). The only thing that changed in my setup recently is that I put together a script to poll each cam once a minute using ffmpeg to capture frames to save as a jpg. That had been working great for about a week, so I’m leaning towards the problem being something else. The devices themselves haven’t changed, so I was surprised to see that when I opened up the Wyze app that RTSP was turned off.
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