Constant drops using beta 2 of RTSP firmware

I have 4 v2 cameras all on the latest ( RTSP firmware. When I set them up in BlueIris they kept dropping. Wasn’t sure if it was BI so I switched to VLC. Same thing happens when I just pick 1 of the 4 and watch the stream. It will drop within 10sec. It eventually reconnects if I keep trying to play the stream in VLC without me doing any restart of the device or enable/disable RTSP in the wyze app. I’m running with no SD card, no notifications, no motion tagging. Just as barebones streaming as I could get it. Stream from wyze app at the same time shows the camera still working.

Any suggestions from the community on what I can do to debug this?


I’ve one V2 with .41. When I open it with VLC it seems to stumble at first but quickly resumes a “good” stream with occasional skipped frames. Yesterday I recorded from 1400 to 2100. Upon play back I only noticed a couple of “hangs” where the clock “stuttered”.

How many cameras do you have? I wonder if having 4 is an issue. It seems much more stable when only one is on

1, one