RTSP for V3

So is RTSP for V3 still coming very soon or is Wyze still asking why customers want it. Well like with every other camera I have ever bought or setup I’ve used RTSP. I am flabbergasted that it wasn’t a feature on this camera when I bought it and this camera is junk with out it. I use RTSP to view from VLC which is super useful, I can record to my NAS, it makes the camera so much more useful. It seems it is out of greed that they only want users that will pay a subscription that they purposefully didn’t implement RTSP. Shame, allowing your product to work well with other products is a good thing not restricting it only to Wyze app and your subscription pay for cloud service. If that’s your view your a joke, and your cameras are crap and so are your values.

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Some where I read that Wyze only thinks that an infinitesimally small number of their customers desire RTSP. LOL, those NOT desiring RTSP do not even know what that is nor should they be near electronic items. That is the customer that spend most of their time staring into their phones reading social media WHILE THE LIGHT IS GREEN.


[Mod Note]: This topic was created specifically for requests for RTSP on the Wyze V3 Cam.
As of today (8/15/21) this is the latest I know of on upcoming RTSP for the V3:

RTSP for the V3


Ouch that answer was:
March 11, 2021 23:19, to day is August 15, 2021 and they said the same last year. I have contributed much to the subject matter for the last 6 months waiting for the RTSP firmware and received more than 100 requests for a work around procedure. I get the impression that many customers would buy many more units IF RTSP firmware was available…still waiting.


I will NOT buy any more V3’s until they provide RTSP for them


I would really like to see RTSP for my V3 cameras. Wyze says it’s coming, but I’m not holding my breath!


It’s been “Coming soon” since October 2020, so I don’t have much hope at this point. I believe the Wyze Cams use linux in their backend, with the changes made having to be released according to the GPL, so it’s possible someone could take that (if it’s up) and work something out to make a third-party firmware, though then you’d lose support for the Wyze app.

Oh brother.


Is there any info on using RTSP firmware for V3 camera like for the V2?


In the AMA and FAQ’s they said It is being developed, but it hasn’t been released yet.

Don’t use the RTSP firmware for the V2 on the V3, they have different hardware.

We will just have to wait for the release.


Did they give any sort of estimated time line?

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I agree, a timeline for RTSP feature integrated or as a workaround a binary to install for RTSP is essential for the v3.

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They have not given a timeline for this yet

Please provide an approximate time when RTSP will be available for the V3.


I wish Wyze would put as much energy in getting RTSP for V3 as they do for Cam Plus.


It makes way more business sense to focus on Cam Plus first since they make a ton more money both initially and long term residually. Residual income is the golden goose. All else comes second, especially now that they have investors breathing over their shoulders.


I know, thats the way the economy works. I was just to naive to believe Wyze would be a little better.
Especially when marketed as the “Everything Cam”

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Wyze usually takes months and months and sometimes years to deliver promised “future features”…I love them and all, but I quickly learned “working on it” means don’t buy it expecting it anytime soon, but they do usually eventually get around to things they say it is their intent to do… I usually plan on a year away.

This one could be sooner since they just recently made updates to the V2 RTSP firmware after previously telling everyone not to ever expect an update. This indicates they are actively working on RTSP. It would also make sense to offer it as lots of people like RTSP for home security use (local NAS recording) and Wyze’s priority is currently their home security integration. These are big positive signs you’ll get what you want sooner than normal.

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I understand. Already had V2’s with the RTSP updates. When I recieved info on V3 and that they would be better I pulled the trigger and pre-ordered only to find out this wasn’t completely true.
Like I said it 's my fault for not investigating .


I have 2 v3 devices brand new in the box waiting, I am a blue Iris user so need that feature.
I do have Tiny cam Pro on my Nvidia shield and it supports wyze cloud so the v3’s do work there just fine.