Returning to Event List takes you to last played event if still available

Scenario #1: there are quite a few recordings in the Event list, let’s say 6 recordings in each hour and there are 6 hours of recordings (total = 36 recordings in the list). I play one from hour 3 (the middle of the list). Once I’ve played it, when I arrow back to the list it drops me at the most recent recording (the top of the list). So I have to scroll back down to the middle and find my last played in order to play my next recording. Expected Result would be to drop me back to the last place I was at in the list (in this case drop me back in the middle and highlighting the one that I just played).

Scenario #2: The last time I was in the Event List I had deleted some or all of the recordings. The next time I go into the Event List, since my last played recording is no longer available, then take me to the top of the most recent recordings.

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Fix scroll issue when reviewing current day’s events

I stopped reviewing any current day events until they fix the issue of forcing me to re-scroll back to where I left off from the top of the list. I am now only looking at yesterday’s activity since it is always fine when on that day. Now I have to scroll down to midnight the day before and I only get to see my videos until the end of yesterday, missing all of the early nighttime events and subsequent morning’s. I counted today to see how many scrolls needed to get to midnight the day before - 69 OF THEM !!! Can you imagine after viewing a few videos having to scroll back down 69 times ti get back to where you left off?
I also am not untagging most of my false positive triggers for person and stationary vehicles anymore. I can undo the false pets as there are not too many of those. I am no longer watching any corrected videos for more than a few seconds to see if any insects are in them anymore. It is getting to the point where I may not renew my subscriptions when they due.
I think they should compensate us for setting their AI straight. Maybe if for every 100 submissions we get one days extension on our subscriptions? That way if it really affects their bottom line $ “maybe” they’ll start putting resources to where it’s needed.


I could not reproduce this issue.

When I scroll down through the long list of events on Android, and choose an Event to view that is some 50 to 60 events down the list, the event plays.

When I select the down carrot in the upper left or use the Android Swipe Left - Back a Page feature, it returns me to the exact point where I left in the event list…the Event video I just selected.

Another thing I do to cut down on the length of the Events list so there isn’t so much scrolling is I use the filters to isolate specific cams and I always filter out motion only events that do not have AI tags. That way, the bugs and birds and trees are not seen. The video I posted shows them, but I turned them back on just to get enough events on my list to scroll thru.

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This sort of started to work fine for quite some time, In the last few days the issue has come back. If I scroll to the bottom of an events list (many, many, scrolls down to midnight), view a few events at the beginning of the day and back out, it goes right to the top of the list! I then have to scroll all the way back down to get a few more views near midnight again.

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I tried to replicate this on my Android 11 Moto running App v. 2.43.0 (312) and could not. Both the back carrot in the upper left and the Android Back Gesture returns to the Events list at the Event time that was used to launch the Event Video. It never returned to the top of the list (most recent).

However, this may be an iOS App issue. Please see this thread and the response from Wyze:

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Looks like Wyze released an update today with a fix for this.

Please see this post with a link for the App Release Thread:


I am on 2.43 (12). Will see how it reacts in the morning.

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Seems to be working fine again - Thanx !!!

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I’ve been having the same issue for years. It is inconsistent, so sometimes the events list behaves as I’d expect, scrolling down through many videos, tapping to watch a video, then hitting the back arrow and landing still in the same time frame as the video. If the app isn’t manually force closed, it’s hit or miss whether it will start with the annoying behavior of scrolling down many swipes to go back a few hours, tapping on a video, and, after watching the video, hitting the back arrow to find the list has reset to the top with the most recent or current time frame.

This has happened for me on Android across just about every app version. I recently acquired an iPhone 13 Pro, and it does the same thing. It seems with the latest update to the app, the problem of jumping back to the top of the events list after watching a video hours earlier in the timeline has become more persistent.

In the past, I’ve found that force closing the app on Android, then using a different app, then going back to the Wyze app would sometimes cure the problem temporarily. When the problem continued to recur after repeated force closings, sometimes clearing the cache would help. Today, none of these workarounds is working.

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Yup, I started this post 1-1/2 years ago. I still see this happen, although it’s rare. Of course, when they tried to get me to recreate at will I was unable. Like you stated, if you completely close Wyze (going to another program doesn’t seem to matter) then it straightens out and the back button takes you back to the last recording rather than the top of the list. I’ve given up trying to get them to fix it, so I just try to close the Wyze app when I am finished messing around with it.
I feel ya!!!


Started happening to me a week ago (Android 13) Firmware v2.44.5 (330)…submitted trouble ticket, response is “they are aware and working on it”