Let me try to explain again because I don’t think I did that great a job the first time. Think of the camera as a tiny computer (which it is). Think of the video feed as a program running on that computer (which it is).
Now imagine the you left your home computer running such a program. You have undoubtedly had the situation where a program running on your computer got hung up and you had to force restart it. You were able to do that because the whole operating system had not crashed. You could still restart the computer using the menus or keyboard combination.
But if the entire operating system got hung and the computer was totally unresponsive (eg, blue screen of death)? Then you would have to physically force restart the entire computer by holding the power button.
In the case of the camera, Wyze has already built in the ability to restart it remotely if the program running the video stream has crashed but the operating system is still running. They did that, cleverly, by using a completely different communication channel. That is why you can restart the camera from the app even if the video stream will not connect.
However, if the entire camera’s operation system is hung, there is no way that it can communicate to the outside world, and therefore there is no technical way to get the signal to it for it to restart.
That is why I recommend, for people with cameras in remote locations, to install a smart plug between the camera and the wall socket. They can be found for around $10. Here’s one example: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B076HKHSSX/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Now let me go on to another situation that can cause the camera to be unresponsive. That is when the local internet wifi router or modem has problems. If that happens, you wouldn’t even be able to communicate with the smart plug. The solution to this is usually to unplug and replug the router/modem. But again, if you are far away, you can’t do it. But there is again a gadget solution to this side of the problem. That is a smart switch that monitors that you have a good internet connection and if it detects internet failure, power cycles the router/modem. Here is one example of such a gadget: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B0792S1DGZ/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Okay, having said all that, it is very often the case that if one of these cameras works fine most of the time, but occasionally is unreachable, then there’s an issue with the local internet or the camera’s connectivity to it. When this happens again, I’d suggest you refer to the connectivity troubleshooting section below and also submit a support request that includes the log files.