I had a camera failure due moisture getting in and ruining it (my fault). I bought a replacement V3 camera. I was able to add it to my account, I did the firmware update, and most things work correctly. What doesn’t work is the playback of the events. I reformatted the SD card, same way. I removed the SD card ad put in in my PC and I can see and play all the videos that were recorded on my PC. I’ve double checked my settings, all seems correct. All my other cameras still playback event with no issues. Any ideas? I must have missed something.
Which “events”?
If you’re referring to cloud events, they’re associated with the failed camera and don’t transfer over automatically.
If you’re referring to SD card “events”, you formatted the SD card. They’re gone.
Just checking setup. Do you see your microsd? Is it set to events or continuous? Do you see your storage capacity?
I only formatted it to see if that would help. Then I caused a few events to see if it helped. It didn’t. The card seems OK, since I can see the event videos I caused on my PC, I just can’t seem to get them to playback on my I-Phone.
How do I associate the new camera with the cloud?
Yes, it’s set to continuous, it shows 2.47G/59.47G for the SD card, it’s a 64G card. I did notice that on my Monitoring page, the new camera is not on the list. How can I get in on the monitoring list? That may be the problem.
Do you have a subscription? If you do, go to the Wyze Portal and verify the camera is there.
If you have cam plus lite, the new V3 probably isn’t covered.
As tc10 posted, make sure the new camera is set to record to the SD card.
How are trying to view the SD card clips?
Should be via “live view->View Playback”. Not via “Events”.
Yes, it plays back via Live View / Playback. It doesn’t when I try to playback an event.
Of course not. That new V3 doesn’t qualify for Cam Plus Lite. The old one did. It’s just functionally like an “index” to the SD card clips. Now that it isn’t there, go direct to the card.
And you might not realize it at this point, that “index” is actually incomplete due to cooldown.
So it should start playback at the same time as the event occurred? Or will I have to make note of the time and search for it?
Good news! I updated the app and now it works as it should. Instead of saying “playback”, it says “SD Card” and it plays the event.
If you’re recording “Continuous”, yes you will need to browse until you get to the important recorded segment. If recording “Events Only”, you don’t need to.