Like others here, I have 13 Wyze plugs (3 outdoor, and 10 indoor), and in a year, none have ever gone offline, and they run multiple daily schedules.
I also have 20 wyze white bulbs and 4 color wyze bulbs, which have also stayed on and reliable for 6 months so far, and they are on multiple daily schedules as well.
And I have 11 wyze cameras (3-v2, 1-Pan cam v2 and a 1-v3 garage door opener camera mounted indoors, and 6-v3 mounted outdoors), some for 3 + years, and the rest for a year, and all have stayed up and connected for their entire life, except the Pan cam went offline once in its first week, but not since then.
I have 3 wyze climate sensors, 3 leak sensors with remote probes, and a contact sensor, all connected to my wyze v2 sensor hub. in 4 months, they have never gone offline or malfunctioned.
On the other hand, I have a driveway security camera on my alarm system from a well-know/highly respected alarm company, and it constantly complains that the camera has lost its connection (it is the furthest away).
I also have 4 smart plugs, a sprinkler controller and smart thermostat of different brands, that have stayed reliably connected for over a year.
These devices are spread out over the 3 floors of my house, inside and outside. I don’t have a mesh wifi system, but I have one centrally located brand name wifi router.
I am 3000 miles away from these devices, so it is important to me that they stay connected and reliable, and I have not experienced any problems to date.
It really does seem that the connection reliability has to be related to the reliability of the 2.4 GHz wifi that you have, or else I just got lucky and received all good smart devices.