Plug offline while I am away

Three weeks ago or so I installed a (new) Smart Plug inside my home. All worked well until last night. Now it’s offline. I was using it to turn a light on and off while I am away until May 1. Is there any way to bring it back on line without my being there?

If you can remotely reboot your router, then I wonder if that would work. Otherwise, the typical advice I’ve seen for Wyze Plugs that go offline is to unplug them and plug them back in, but the last time I saw multiple users reporting this it was a widespread issue that apparently required a back-end fix.

I had a friend unplug it and plug it back in. Now it’s working. Thanks for the suggestion!

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You’re welcome! I thought about specifically suggesting that and figured you’d come to the same conclusion if you could recruit someone remotely. :upside_down_face: