Price error of cam v3

Whats going on with the price of the v3 cam? Wyze says if you log in it is $19.99. Not true, still $23.99.

Looks like you have to buy 3 cameras.

I logged into my account and then clicked the link in the email. This is what I see:

The 23.99 includes the CamPlis, the 19.99 is Camera Only. I believe you get the $19.99 if you already have CamPlus.

Yes me too. When you go to your shopping cart however they are $23.99 unless you purchase 3.

you are correct, Just saw that when I decided to checkout. It has to be a bug as the email does not reference a minimum quantity.

I’ll check with the team about this. Thanks!


Okay! This should be fixed now. Thanks again for posting about it! :slightly_smiling_face:


What is the correct price of the v3? This is what is showing when I tried to order. Put 4 in cart and it’s showing $23.99 each.

The price is $23.99! What happened to $19.99?

V3 with 1-month Cam Plus, $23.99
V3 without Cam Plus, $23.99

That’s funny.

Didn’t Wyze announce an impending V3 price increase?

Thanks for the quick response.