Possible disabling of Reply by Email feature

Let the record show, Carver votes:

I don’t love the woman, but I can live with her.

Fence sitter. :grin:

Unfortunately no, it’s all or nothing in the site settings. That would have been a really good solution.

My belief is that global forced education would have little effect. Those that are a problem would not retain what they were forced to slog through. That leaves us with individual education via PM by moderators when problems arise. This takes a bunch of time for the mods. They have better things to do.


That reminds me of another reasonable to ban email responses. It is way, way too often that users who respond by email have an automatic signature that includes personal information or self promotion (spam/ad for their business that some do on accident but others may do on purpose with plausible deniability) that people have to flag and mods waste time editing, sometimes repeatedly for several posts, and even when it’s explained to them, many forget and keep doing it.

I could see reasonable justification for banking it just for that alone. As you said, mods have better things to do.

It’s a shame it can’t be tied to trust level or at least completing the disco bot training or something.

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Bummer, that was part of the sauce that helped tame the wishlist submission process and make it more efficient.

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NOTE: This discussion was getting a little long for the Forum Ops Feedback topic so because of that and to get it more visibility, it’s been split off to its own topic.


And how many times have the moderators had to go in and edit out personal information that is automatically added to E-Mails? The answer is A LOT.


That’s a great point. It would save us a lot of time.


I love and fully endorse this idea. :heart:

Yes accommodating many modes of speech is inconvenient, it can be costly both in time and treasure, still It’s the gradual erosion of our freedoms that’s most troublesome, things we won’t miss until the great majority of our options are gone, and we are left to keep lonely songs only to ourselves.

The bit about the e-mail signatures that @carverofchoice and @K6CCC noted isn’t enough to make me change my vote, but it’s something I hadn’t thought about before and is definitely worthy of consideration. Thanks for reminding me about that.



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Ah, but if it hadn’t been enabled in the first place, you wouldn’t know you were missing it. I wonder how many other discourse forums don’t have it enabled.


Here’s the answer: if we turn off reply by email, they will get a bounce message that looks like this:

So yes, they will know that their post didn’t go through, although the message is pretty cryptic. I believe we can probably change that bounce message template to include some wording such as “A likely reason for this error is that Reply by Email has been disabled for the Wyze Forum.” or some such thing.

Also, even with Reply by Email turned off, you can still reply to PMs by email.


Yes, if the great experiment in remote response had never been hazarded by our forefathers, we might be happily ignorant of our unclaimed potential, but they did hazard it and we do enjoy it, and it would be nothing less then a slight to our forefathers to yield it so blithely now.

I would hope so, otherwise I imagine there might be an unreasonable number of new topics complaining about it (like the too-many-to-track v3.0 app topics). If the message can be made clear to the user, then it might not be so bad (but then we have to rely on the user to read and comprehend it…:thinking:).

This isn’t something I’m likely to use, but it’s good to know!

Thanks for the testing!


I have verified that the template can be changed. Here’s what I would propose for the modified template:

[Wyze Forum] Email Error

We’re sorry, but your email message to [XXXX] (titled YYYY} didn’t work.

If you were trying to reply by email to a public topic, you have received this error because Reply by Email to public topics has been disabled by the Wyze Forum administrators. Please visit the forum on the web to post your reply.

If your email was a reply to a Personal Message or for some other reason, this is an unknown error. In that case, please contact a staff member for further investigation.

I’m open to suggestions on how this could be improved.


I think it’s a good start, and I’ll give it some thought, but I’m not sure how much effort should go into that before a decision has been made, so I’m curious:

  • Is the poll in the initial post binding, or is it intended to gauge interest or reaction to a decision?
  • If the poll is used to drive a decision, then what’s the timeline, and should there be a “this poll closes at [time with time zone] on [date]” note attached?
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No, the poll is not binding. It’s intended as input to the decision we were already considering. Basically it’s up to Jason and myself. As you know, our Mods are volunteers and anything we can do to make their life easier has high priority.

We’ll give it a little more time, but we’re heavily leaning toward going ahead with turning it off.