Possible disabling of Reply by Email feature

I am amazed how people complain about the simple stuff. This seems more radical, by some, than the enforcement of 2FA. When it comes down to it, it is not important.

I was hoping to evade the clown world we now live in.

Everyone is on edge. Step away from the keyboard and get some fresh air outside.

Whatever decision is made will not affect my life.

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I understand the resistance. Resistance to changing one’s workflow, especially if it results in extra clicks. Everybody is busy. But as you imply, this forum is not a life-critical activity. And as with everything in life, there are tradeoffs.

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Possible Probable disabling of Reply by Email feature

Fixed it for you. :sweat_smile:

(strike got stripped)

Resistance is futile.

Wyze pays you big bucks to make these decisions. :smiley::moneybag:

Or they should.

Moral: The illusion of choice is sufficient. :us_outlying_islands:

Get to work. :construction_worker_woman:

(Put a thin green box around this for @K6CCC :slightly_smiling_face: )

Choice is an illusion.

The Matrix taught me that.


:construction::man_construction_worker::construction_worker_woman::construction_worker_man: :building_construction:

Wow. Karl Malden.

Mladen Sekulovich :slight_smile:

Father Barry

His toughest physical acting challenge, he once told me (Roger Ebert) came during the filming of “On the Waterfront,” in a scene where he plays a priest in standing in the cargo hold of a ship, trying to bring peace to a labor dispute. The screenplay called for him to be hit in the head with a beer can. Director Elia Kazan called for more than one take.

“It had to be a full beer can, because an empty one would bounce wrong,” he said during an onstage discussion at the USA Film Festival in Dallas. “It didn’t feel real good bouncing off my skull. Father Barry has no way of knowing he’s about to be hit. Of course I knew, because the cue was a particular word of dialogue. I found it incredibly hard to keep my face blank before the can hit. Next to that, the acting part was easy.”



We’re a data fluent crowd, no? Why not track and log the incidences over say a week and approximate the time it took to do each one and then multiply it and then find out, how about that?

Data people like ( @K6CCC ) shouldn’t just assert something and expect everybody else just to accept it because he’s an expert you know… :wink:

It’s the end of the :frog: as we know it. :confused:


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I don’t have numbers - just that I see LOTS of posts that have moderator intervention to remove personal information from E-Mail signatures.


You have that right that has been an issue for years now

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iykyk :slight_smile:

Yes, this is a huge psychological thing. This change might be a big deal a certain subset of people at first, but withing a short time it won’t be a big deal to anyone anymore.

So…I need to change my screenname to “CarverofiLlUsSiOn” now

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Uh…“certain subset of people”? This is why we shouldn’t change the Moderators’ workflow!


(It’s been a day. I’ll crawl back into my :hole: now.)

This is a really flat ending. A sword fight would be better.:person_fencing:

I just realized that I never closed the loop on this. Reply by email has been turned off in keeping with the poll results. If you reply to an email notification (which no longer has that option at the bottom), you will get a bounce message.


Fantastic. Thank you.

I made that mistake only once and no more.