I tap the notification pop up and the video shows no activity. I go to device and tap the latest event and the activity is there (?). Confusing to me.
[Mod edit] Corrected category.
I tap the notification pop up and the video shows no activity. I go to device and tap the latest event and the activity is there (?). Confusing to me.
[Mod edit] Corrected category.
I think maybe you’re tapping on a push notification from the Wyze app on your phone and then trying to view video footage of the event that triggered the notification. Is that correct?
How are you trying to capture recordings? Are you using a subscription (e.g., Cam Plus) or recording to microSD or both?
Additional detail about the app you’re using, your camera settings, and what you’re trying to accomplish will help other Forum users to provide better assistance.
I’m using the Wyze app from the App Store, I have Cam plus. When I get a pop-up notification, I tap it expecting to see what triggered the camera, sometimes I do sometimes I don’t. I only view the cameras on my iPad Pro. When the camera is triggered and sends a pop-up, I expect to catch the thief in action, but I’m getting a video of nothing happening. I don’t get a duration it says live in the box instead of duration. I have to back out, go to devices, go to events to find out what’s going on. I also save activity on an SD card. The activity is there, but I have to hunt for it, I expect to catch it while it’s happening.
You can’t. The feature was removed long time ago. Now, when you tap on the notification it takes you to live view as long as there is still motion. If the motion has seized it will take you to what triggered the event. I know it is frustrating, I also want when I tap to be taken to what triggered the event, not to live view. Apparently it was changed way back as per users request
Guess I’ll pull my antique Reolink cameras out of storage and start using them instead.
Do what you have to do brother
Way to go, stick up for Reolink right in front of Wyze and the whole world. I’ll call Wyze on the phone and deal with them direct. Wyze sent me a new Battery Cam Pro in one day when the one I had Malfunctioned. I have a combination of 15 Wyze cameras.
I’m confused, are do you like or hate wyze?
I don’t have cam plus, must be related to that. But I guess it makes sense, if something is going on, you want to see if it is still going on, then go back and see what happened?
With SD card and no subscription, tapping the notification takes me to a still picture, then I can either tap the “live” or “SD card” icons to choose where I want to go. SD card takes me to the start of the event (well really about 1-2 seconds after, if I go manually to the start of the event it starts a tad sooner).
On cameras that have motion only recording, there is a forward and back arrow to skip between motion event videos while viewing SD footage. On ones that have continuous recording, those arrows do 1 minute skip ahead and back. I could swear at one point they used to do the same thing on the continuous cameras, would be nice to have that back.
I have 15 Wise cameras that I bought all separately, I like Wyze cameras. My first entry to the forum was only requesting something that I didn’t understand why the cameras performed the way they did. I will take this up directly with Wyze and talk to the experts instead of using the forum. I’ve talked to them in the past and they are very understanding.
You asked a question, a fellow user gave you information and answered your question. You got an attitude and said you’re going back to Reolink. When he said “ok” you made a rude post saying you like Wyze and he should be supporting them. Now you’re saying people here are useless and you’ll talk to the “experts”. Honestly you’ll get more help and information here than from support, but not if you keep this attitude up.
I don’t think it had anything to do with CamPlus. I think people just wanted to see if the event was still happening.
Without cam plus, tapping the notification just brings you to a still frame image. At least on Android.
I see what you mean, my bad. Jumped into conclusion
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