[POLL] What matters most for maxed-out 🏋️‍♂️ Wyze Cam success?

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Did Wyze use their own mesh router to power this multi-cam business install?

It may be awkward to ask (if they didn’t) but I’d really like to know. :grin:

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When I first started with my first wyze cam I only had simple dsl with 1.5MB download and who knows how small upload. Things didn’t work very well for the cam. Once I upgraded to 100mb service with xfinity, what an improvement(now at 800). I’ve since gone all-in with wyze- I now have 9 cam pans, 2 Battery cam pros, 1 floodlight cam, 12 outdoor cams on 3 base stations, 1 doorbell v2, 2 cam v3, 2 OG, 4 cam v2, 1 switch, 6 plugs, 5 bulbs, 1 watch 47, 1 pr wyze buds. 80% of the time, everything works fine. Occasionally a cam will lose connection. All 6 of the wyze plugs power various cams so I can easily restart the cams when they lose connection. Plugs never have lost connection. My router is a mid level ORBI mesh 860 with 2 nodes. It is wifi6 and very reliable with a node at each end of the house connected by cable. I believe it all comes down to how much speed/bandwidth you have first and foremost. The only thing i wish I could do is specify which device uses which router node. Some of the devices insist on using the furthest node. Otherwise I’m pretty happy.


Depending what area you’re, your Xfinity upload may still be pretty slow. I know they wanted people to upgrade to gig just to get 50M upload (I think the base plan was 10M and the middle plans were 20M). But if they’ve upgraded you to mid split I think you can get 100M to 200M typically.

Each cam requires about 1mbit/sec of bandwidth but that’s only while you’re viewing them or they’re uploading clips for analysis so as long as you aren’t watching a bunch at once or having several uploading clips frequently, probably work fine either way.

I’ve been on 300/300 FIOS for like 10 years (well it started at 100/100 and has gotten free upgrades twice). I can’t imagine going back to having to worry about upload speeds. Speed tests are always consistent 310 down 350 up. For $25 a month, can’t complain.

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I am surprised Orbi does have that option. I see and use it on my TP-Link. Speed is nice. I am happy and comfortable on my 100MB dn. Neighborhood fiber is being installed. I don’t need more speed but every one wants it.

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Hey rick, a blast from the past re that. :slight_smile:


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I ran across an informed assertion that “high accuracy” for facial recognition is currently 80%.

I’m guessing the typical customer expectation is higher. Without any basis I’m guessing 90-95% (same as tech functionality in general?)

“They’ve done studies, you know. Sixty percent of the time, it works every time.”

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Yuh. :smirk: Just last night I dropped from ~90% to 80% or below: Two new routers with big radios are the ants at my picnic, currently (interference.)