Picture in Picture

How do i disable the Picture in Picture window in Wyze cam Og? I do have it disable in
special app access.

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Welcome to the Forum, @seniorpro1.dv! :wave:

My understanding of Cam OGā€™s (and Cam OG Telephotoā€™s) PiP capability is that itā€™s in-app-only and operates independently of the Android ā€œSpecial app accessā€ PiP feature. Iā€™m unaware of any way to disable the floating window completely, but it can be collapsed, and the tab with the symbol that looks like a left angle bracket 怈 can be dragged to a different part of the screen to make it less obtrusive, but it will reappear in its default position the next time you open that cameraā€™s live view.

Itā€™d be kinda cool if there was a toggle in Cam OGā€™s settings that would disable the feature entirely or if that control would appear only when a user taps on the Live Stream pane (like how the microphone and speaker icons function). Even with only a single Cam OG, I still have that little PiP tab overlay, and on one hand that seems kind of silly (like the app should know that I have only the one Cam OG and shouldnā€™t even offer the PiP feature), but on the other hand, I can understand how thatā€™s part of Wyzeā€™s marketing, because if I open the tray and tap the ā€œ+ā€ button I get a prompt to install another Cam OG or shop for one, so I canā€™t fault them for that.

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I wondered that myself after buying my first og with no initial plans of buying a second.


Once you hit the arrow and minimize it once, it stays off to the side. The arrow will still be there, Iā€™m not aware of any way to get rid of that. However if you rotate to landscape mode, it goes away. It also is not there when in a cam group view which is what I usually use for live monitoring.


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