Hey everybody, I hope you find this interesting! Tell me what you think.
The only reason I got the Wyze cams was because we’ve been experiencing paranormal activity ever since my mom passed away in January. I recommend you use headphones or earbuds and turn up the volume. I promise you it won’t blast your ears. You won’t be able to hear all the nuances of these sounds unless you turn it up.
We didn’t get the cams until late September. This was my mom’s house, she left it to me, and my 23-year-old son lives with me. We started renovations in April. During the day when the handyman was here we weren’t able to experience anything because of all the noise he made, but in the evenings we’d hear things like scratching, boxes sliding and shifting, a scraping sound, and the sound of someone running around upstairs. We’ve had loud thuds like something hitting the side of the house or the roof. My son heard a woman’s voice talking, muffled like it was in another room and he couldn’t make out what it was saying, and I had the same thing on another occasion when I heard what sounded like two women talking and it was muffled as if in another room.
The fact that some of these recordings are hard to hear at normal volume level is further proof the sound happened in the room and close to the camera. I want to point that out because we only have cams on the main level, not upstairs. We’ve done some experiments to see if the cams pick up noises from upstairs, specifically with the bedroom doors shut and us trying hard to make enough noise for the cams to pick it up. It doesn’t usually, unless we’re slamming a door shut or something loud like that. Even with the windows open the cams don’t pick up too much from outside such as a passing car, car doors, cars starting, lawn mowers, etc. I have heard, though, an airplane and a dog barking because a window was open. Our house is at the top of a cul-de-sac and it’s a pretty quiet neighborhood. That gives you a little perspective now.
So far on the cams we’ve only gotten auditory stuff, nothing visual. But personally I’ve experienced things moving. I had a plug-in night light pop out of the outlet when I walked into the kitchen. I had a standing mirror move by itself right in front of me, a window got locked by itself, and my purse got pushed off a chair. And my son saw what he could only describe as a long ribbon-like white thing flying across the room. And when the upstairs was being renovated, my handyman left two tool cases up there one day after his shift. Later that evening we heard a loud thud and went up to see what could have caused it. The two cases (which were like brief cases that were standing on end) were knocked over. I had been up there earlier in the day to shut windows before nightfall and I saw his two tool cases standing there, so I know how they were placed. They were the only thing up there that could have made noise and now they were both laying on their sides. So even though it was the tool cases that made the thud, there’s still no reasonable explanation for them falling over.
It’s stuff like that that is so interesting to me. Some of these sounds do sound like something normal but the fact that there’s no reasonable explanation for why they are there makes it paranormal. For example, one day I heard what I can only describe as something scraping across cement. I was in the dining room (now my Reiki room) and the sound was definitely coming from within the room. It was literally right next to me. I later found out that my son had heard the same thing two months earlier in the same room, and my daughter and her boyfriend had also heard it on another occasion. Same sound, same room, windows closed, nothing there capable of making such a sound. With all this weird stuff going on, it’s why we decided to get cams.
By the way, I’ve had my roof and attic inspected.
So we have one cam in the living room, one in the kitchen, and one in the family room. All the cams have an SD card, and they are all set to record events only. Unfortunately sound alerts don’t record to the SD card for further recording.
This one is two loud knocks followed by two faint knocks. (We had recordings of knocking nearly every night for a couple weeks but now it’s stopped).
This one is a loud knock and then some faint weird noise afterwards. (If using headphones don’t turn it up too loud until after the knock. The knock itself is pretty loud).
At the beginning of this one there’s a “boom” sound and then an “ahh-AHHH” sound.
This one is a whistle, some bumps, and what sounds like voices.
The original sound alert on this one has two knocks at the beginning that get cut off when the recording is shared. Then you hear “uh uh uh uh uh and then a sound like a motor revving. Then it’s a few more seconds of nothing until the 12-second recording stops.