Pan V3 bricked and trashed. No warranty. Nvm

  • bricked: unable to re-pair, unable to re-setup
    Attempted firmware recovery with 32GB FAT32 but:
  • not able to get purple light
  • tried both file names: recovery_wyzepan3.bin
    and recovery_wcpv2.bin

but neither works, no purple light with >6 seconds press. (cam v2, v3 recovery-tested fine with purple light - so SD card is valid).


Please help. The Pan V3 out since last weekend. Appreciated all the help.

First guess is that you are not actually getting the button pressed. Using your finger makes it hard to get the button pressed enough. I normally use a pair of needle nosed pliers (ones with a flat tip, not a point). You can also use a small screwdriver, machine screw, dowel rod, etc.

I had more than 1 pan v3 cams. I pressed them right. I used philips screw driver too.

Photos with finger just for demonstration that I have the cameras on hand, not trying to pushing Wyze under the bus as
they already have a big headache to deal with.

I posted because this problem give me a big headache since last weekend.

Chatted with wyze support. Result: will throw it in the trash. (Outside warranty period)

I won’t buy another Pan until they have sort out the bugs for future products.

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