Whether you are an indoor-looking-outdoor user wanting to cut down on the reflection of the camera in the window, someone that doesn’t want to freak out the neighbors in the backyard, or someone who wants the camera to be hidden from intruders, the black version of the Wyze Cam was for you. Unfortunately, it was a limited edition model, and as of this date it is no longer available.
Now, there are lots of options for turning your Wyze cam black. Vinyl covering. Physical enclosure. Black paint, etc. The option I chose was Plasti Dip. Plasti Dip is a removable rubber covering that can be applied with a spray can. Think of it as rubber spray paint! It will not permanently change your cam at all. You can simply peal it off when you no longer want it on the camera. I think I like it better than glossy paint, as it is a great dull, non-reflective surface. It comes in other colors too, including camo: Plasti Dip Can & Spray Supplier - Peelable Rubber Coating I bought my can at Walmart for $6.
I am an indoor-looking-outdoor user, so I didn’t need the infrared LEDs, or the two nonfunctional circles on the front panel. I also hate that I can’t turn off the microphone from live streams [take note, Wyze!] So I masked the microphone with a tape circle, but don’t really ever intend to uncover it. Turns out it doesn’t matter much anyway, as the coating and mask combo are still thin, and there are plenty of other holes in the case. So the microphone still works way too well. The IR lights also still work thru the coating, but are attenuated.
The functionality you want may vary, so just adjust your masking technique. Even if you don’t mask, simple trimming with an exacto knife should get you back whatever you want. It’s the perfect ‘paint’. You can’t make a mistake!
Here are my pics. Note I put my can in warm water between coats to keep the spray mist fine: